Clearly an ethical “no-no” for Kushner to openly fund raise or campaign for anyone, but who cares, right?
What’s a little more corruption for the most corrupt presidential administration in US history? Right?
(crickets . . .)
Another fine moral choice by Young Jared; supporting the minority crazies in the House. Is he also ignorant of the fact that the Senate exists? As if we needed any further evidence that Kushner is a Grade A asshole.
'…house minority crazies…is right on, and voting crazies as well.
Chas. Blow’s column re: Dolt45’s possible aim to foment an armed uprising in his legal defense doesn’t sound at all unusual when one hears news like Javanka’s antics.
Well, technically, he’s not getting a salary, so he’s not required to stick to the rules. New WH nepotism rules.
I can already hear Huckster-Sadsack hissing that one out.
I’m pretty sure he didn’t agree to do this for free. Probably insisted there was some kind of commission involved, or a percentage of the proceeds raised for Meadows.
A 666th of everything…
All in on the scam. “Nous sommes Donald!”
Why the fuck does Meadows need money? His district is gerrymandered to hell and back.
To pay back a loan from an oligarch?
Trying to fend off the Breitbart vengeance effect fueled by Bannon (who hates and vilifies Javanka) by buttering up the lead Teaparty power in the House??
yea, the money laundering via expensive real estate gig (and taking a cut) for the oligarch routine just got mucked up by careless Manafort - so if there are loans to oligarch’s would have to find new means for raising that dough.
Just sucking up support for Mangolini’s congressional defense ‘wall’
Congressional ‘leaders’ are required to share funds with less-funded members
Lemme get this straight: Kushner, whose over his head in debt on his sh*tty real estate business deals, agrees to help out FC head freak raise money for head freak’s re-election for the purposes of keeping the government open.
OK. What does “Kush” get in exchange for this assistance?
A cut of the action, most likely. Or more chances to run into Republican donors with his beggar’s hat.
The problem as I see it is that Kush is going to have to declare bankruptcy in 2019. He’s SO FAR in debt, it’s almost comical. When he does finally unload the building, some other ruthless 1%'er will pick it up for pennies on the dollar.
It’d be hilarious if it was Romney’s old pals at Bain Capital.
Wife has to be paid for her consulting “work”, friends and relatives that have businesses supplying his campaign need to paid as well.
Plus, since he’s solved peace in the Middle East, he has oodles of time! I’m waiting for the Ivanka Trump line of 5-inch American flag stiletto heels.