Discussion: Kudlow: Republicans Are 'Wusses' For Keeping Some O'Care Taxes In Place

“Informal Trump adviser and CNBC contributor”

In other words, one of the absolute least impactful, most irrelevant voices in politics.


Because deep down, they know it doesn’t promote growth, you pinstriped, libertarian jackass.


Very few Republicans these days have enough character to qualify as “wusses.”


“How is it possible after all these years of studying the capital-gains tax? How is it possible that they don’t know that [cutting] it promotes growth?”

This is just more Republican BS. It is like saying that the best way to feed the birds is to give the horses more hay.


The only growth that a capital gain tax cut facilitates is the growth in the 1%'s contempt for the remaining 99%.


Kontemptible little Kudlow pipes up, and who cares? His brain is even smaller than Trump’s hands.

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Oh holy crap…not not not ‘wusses’??? DAMN them.

Yes, wusses for making sure that more Americans have health care, in exchange for raising a tax on money that is not taxed at the income rate it should be, but instead 20 points lower, and one that does nothing to help the economy because it only lines the pockets of already wealthy investors.

I wonder if any of these people, who also almost always say they are good Christians, have read about the seven deadly sins…one of them might be relevant to their attitude towards this, as well as the teachings of that Jesus dude.

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Kudlow thinks a wealthier one percent will spend the country into a boom economy. Thats not how works.

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In other words, wusses for only throwing 22 million people off healthcare. Make it 50 million and Kudlow might be happy.

I mean, what’s a little death and sickness in exchange for illusory growth?


It’s just becoming more obvious that these guys wish they were murderers, but know that their prospective victims would kick the crap out of them and misread it as sexual harassment

Oh, Larry’s just pissed because O’care doesn’t pay for his supply of blow. It’s “medicinal”, dontcha know!

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He rolled up his copy of the “12 Steps” and snorted a line with it. Cheap bastard didn’t use a c-note like he was supposed to.

And who in the hell even listens to Larry Kudlow? I can’t even believe TPM has an article with Kudlow in the headline. Didn’t his CNBC financial show get about an average of 3 viewers a week?
And being an “informal adviser” to Trump means you send a “like” every time Ladyfingers Tweets another one of his inanities.


I wonder. Does he really, or does he just think that killing people is what makes you a “real man” rather than a wussy? I repeatedly come back to this question with these people. Are they idiots? Ignoramuses? Demons from hell? I know, it’s possible to be all of the above.

Kudlow was floated

Then someone hit the flush handle…



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Maybe high tariffs on the import of gruel will assuage Kudlow’s butt hurt.

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Even the Ty-D-Bol Man couldn’t rid of the skidmarks that Kudlow would leave.