Discussion: KT McFarland Identified As Other Senior Official In Flynn Charging Documents


no shrinking violet…
look her up…

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So, McFarland talked with Flynn on the phone and relayed his messages back and forth with others on the transition team. She was forced out of her Deputy National Security Advisor position in April. I wonder what she’s told the Mueller team about those conversations at Mar-A-Lago?

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McFarland is not a big fish as she worked for Flynn, here has to be more than this for Flynn to get off the way he has.

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If Flynn has turned over his email and phone records to Mueller, you can bet KT is Cc’ed at a minimum on those communications. The question is, is she already cooperating with Mueller’s team?


I’ll give five to one odds Jared will be indicted by the end of January. Any takers?


You have a misspelling there…


but willing to be corrected!


Memo to Paul Manafort: tick tick tick. The possible value of your cooperation is diminishing. You’re playing a real life game of Prisoner’s Dilemma and you are losing.

Are you really sure that you still want to gamble on a pardon?


First comes resignation and move back to New York so he can spend more time with his family and business. Hanukkah begins Dec. 12th and could be a good time for them to move.

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Before she became a bag lady for Trump she was an analyst for Fox News. Nuff said.


No smoking gun? More like a smoking missile silo! Holly shit, why isn’t this MUTCH bigger news?


Mr. Muller has orchestrated this very well. Two full days haven’t expired yet and the WH is spinning like a top.


I just saw this disclosed. The explanation they are offering to defend McFarland is that she was just paraphrasing a Democratic talking point . . . . suurrre

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The quote marks on her keyboard were stuck. :wink:


Has she been interviewed by Mueller yet? Sounds like she could be the collaboration needed for impeachable offense.

And by the end of January Brian Ross will receive his back pay for being suspended a month for jumping the story line to include the “horse’s mouth”—or is it the horse’s ass!

Then, the airplane he and family are riding on back to New York get’s lost and suddenly lands in Zurich Switzerland where they say they had planned to spend the holidays all along. Then they say they are having such a good time they extend the holiday, then decide they like it so much that they decide to stay there permanently.

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I briefly thought this might be a real possibility, given the traitorous nature of the crimes committed and the fact we are in Orwellian times. But, then I realized because we are in Orwellian times and the Republicans control the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary as well as a large majority of State governments…they’re here to stay. They have proven they will back a pedophile (99.9% certainty there) for what was formerly a “sacred” institution. They have a nation-wide media propaganda organization (Fox, Sinclair, Breitbart) to get the message out, they aren’t as worried as you think. As deserved as Impeachment is, it takes, at a minimum, a spine to vote against your Party leader. Remember, when Trump bragged he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and people would still love him, he wasn’t kidding.

It was sure nice to dream about that for a second though. Thanks.