Discussion: KS Survivor Says Trump Should Discuss Shooting During Address To Congress

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“KS Survivor Says Trump Should Discuss Shooting During Address To Congress.”

Sure he should. He won’t.

But we will hear about his “landslide victory” about 57 times, so there is that.


I don’t think so.
It would involve compassion and a rudimentary grasp of reality, two items not in the possession of Mr. Trump

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I don’t know…after blaming President Obama for his protesters and a long riff about the Oscars, I doubt there will be much time.


It’s too confusing for him. He won’t be able to comment until he understands why a white person would sacrifice his safety to protect those awful others.

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I want to know why the media didn’t report this as a terrorist attack! Oh wait, the terrorist was white. I hadn’t even heard of this until two days later. The racism in this country and even by the media isn’t even subtle anymore.

The all powerful Obama!!

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Ian Grillot is a goddamned hero. It’s a shame our POTUS won’t condemn this act of terrorism.


In their hatred they reveal deep jealousy which in turn must fuel greater hatred since Obama’s well…you know…not white and born to wealth.

Why should we expect the President to address every totally unrelated act of violence committed by mentally-unbalanced white males?

After all, it’s only those brown people who commit terrorism, which is an atrocity that the media under-reports.

Fake News! Sad!

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Well he hasn’t condoned it specifically so he’s getting better.

I believe that if he does mention it, it will all be Obama’s fault. Q.E.D.

…and we will hear that he, Trump, is not to BLAME.

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I won’t be watching. Merde, we will be fortunate if Herr Bannon doesn’t convince American Fuhrer to pardon the bastard.

Trump/Conway world. Bowling Green Massacre = real - And The Damn Media Won’t Report it. Triple Shooting/Murder while yelling Get Out Of My Country = closed eyes and lips.

It is more likely that he introduces a new fake terror attack, maybe this time it will have happened in, I don’t know, ‘Luxemborg! In Luxemborg! Can you believe it? But the media won’t tell you that.’ Or insert some other locale. But there will be no comment about Kansas.