Discussion: Kris Kobach May Be Investigated By A Grand Jury–But It's Not What You Think

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Curious that none of these good government types consider it possibly criminal for this racist to use the Kansas state government airplane (with the obvious costs to Kansas taxpayers) when he flies all over the country in his Jim Crowian attempts to suppress votes. How is that a legal use of taxpayer/state funds?


Republicans would not hesitate, nor should we. Tie this motherfucker up in court proceedings so he has less time to ruin the lives of ordinary people in his state.


There also has been a lawsuit to try and get state paper records of ballots from the 2014 election in Kansas:


A Wichita State University mathematician sued the top Kansas election official Wednesday, seeking paper tapes from electronic voting machines in an effort to explain statistical anomalies favoring Republicans in counts coming from large precincts across the country.

Clarkson, a certified quality engineer with a Ph.D. in statistics, said she has analyzed election returns in Kansas and elsewhere over several elections that indicate “a statistically significant” pattern where the percentage of Republican votes increase the larger the size of the precinct.

While it is well-recognized that smaller, rural precincts tend to lean Republican, statisticians have been unable to explain the consistent pattern favoring Republicans that trends upward as the number of votes cast in a precinct or other voting unit goes up. In primaries, the favored candidate appears to always be the Republican establishment candidate, above a tea party challenger. And the upward trend for Republicans occurs once a voting unit reaches roughly 500 votes.

Can anyone advise if this has ever gone anywhere…it has been over a year since the suit was filed and I have heard nothing further.


Get rid of this odious ALEC sucker however you can Kansas and drag Brownie with him!



Under a seldom used provision of Kansas law, a local Democrat has successfully filed a petition with enough signatures to trigger a state grand jury investigation of Secretary of State Kris Kobach …


Anyone spending as much time as Kobach does unethically seeking and implementing ways to suppress the vote is bound to be doing something unlawful as well.


“it’s universally agreed that there’s no evidence Kobach committed any crimes”

If willfully suppressing the right of citizens to vote isn’t a crime, it ought to be. (Hint, it is a federal offense.)


What is the definition of “crime?”

All his fellow co-conspirators call him “Coach.”

Good for them stealing a page from the gop playbook…I’m sure they will come up with something


No. Holy crap, no. We don’t like them using the government like their own personal bludgeon, pursuing ideological grudges and wasting money, so we should do the exact same thing? We should be them? I’m sorry, but fuck that noise, man.

it’s universally agreed that there’s no evidence Kobach committed any crimes.

I’d like to see this asswipe get his well-deserved dragging through the mud - preferably in four different simultaneous directions - but that just reeks of ‘witch-hunt’. ‘Hey, there’s no evidence you did anything illegal, but I found enough people who just don’t like you, so we’re gonna spend taxpayer money to investigate you’. How is that anything we should even consider cheering on?

That’s just the moral argument. The political calculus argues even more solidly against this. At a time when Kansas’s budget is already so amazingly bad that they’re throwing TP Republicans out, do we really want to hand the Republicans ‘the Democrats want to waste your money on a baseless witch-hunt’? Do we want to give them that ammunition?

If there’s reason to believe this guy’s committed a crime, investigate him. If not, holy crap, let’s not shoot ourselves in the dick trying to prove we’re just as vindictive and petty as Trey Gowdy and Newt Gingrich.


Not universal. Just not the focus of open-voting advocates. Grand juries have a way of bringing previously hidden stuff to light.


“Kris Kobach May Be Investigated By A Grand Jury–But It’s Not What You Think”

Just desserts. Couldn’t happen to a nice douche, and I really don’t give a fuck if it’s meritless frivolity. Fuck him raw.


Well how long has the online registration application been malfunctioning? How many elections has this been a problem, and Kobach has not seen fit to fix it?
And yes I would like to see him prosecuted for some kind of crime, which if found guilty makes him a felon and not able to vote. Is this the correct case IDK.


right wing conservatism … that’s my definition of criminal intent


All this does is vindicate the man. Silly.

I like the quaintness of “the state-owned executive aircraft.” In 2016, they still only need one. :slight_smile:

Probably a lot of states only have one or none but it just struck me.



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Well, if there were a statute criminalizing, undermining democracy, he’d be dead to rights guilty.

And isn’t that a serious crime?