Uh oh, Donnie, your master is not happy with you…
Careful, or he’ll trade you to North Korea, for a despot to be named later.
That reminds me I should fax Ryan about that sanctions bill again.
Somehow, I don’t think Putin’s tit will be in the same vein as the tat.
…So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehn, good-bye . The Don will grovel to get the Vlad’s approval.
This from the people who invades other countries and launches cyber attacks on other countries all the time.
No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!
Let’s start a countdown clock to see how quickly Trump caves.
is there NSFW video entertainment in our futures?
Putin is tremendously low energy to retaliate against U.S. for seizing Russian assets. Sad!
Chill out, Vlad baby- it takes time to properly wire up a house with surveillance equipment.
Of course we could have just gifted you a handful of Amazon Echo and achieved the same effect.
My first thought too. The speed with which Drumpfie backs off will be a big tell on what Pootie has on him.
If Drumpfie caves before the meeting, Pootie’s showing he’s holding all aces.
”The Kremlin says its patience with a U.S. plan to return the Russian Embassy’s compounds is running out.”
A modest proposal…
Dear Mr. Putin:
On the eve of Independence Day, go colonoscopize yourself with the dome of St. Basil’s in Red Square.
All Patriotic Americans*
*Excludes Republicans still making excuses for your military attack on our voting systems in 39 states.
Well, that’s odd, because I am running out of patience with the Trump administration’s kowtowing to the Ruskies.
Vlad is realizing that he is going to get the short end of his deal with Trump. A fate which befalls everyone gulliblemenough to deals with Trump. I’ve thought for some time that Putin would eventually be the one to provide the hard evidence of Trump’s treason. Trump certainly seems afraid that could happen.
Let’s not start believing the Russians.
If Russian intelligence is so deep into our systems, they really have no urgent need for a vacation home.
What they desperately do need is for the American people to believe either that (a) Donald is some kind of anti-communist badass, or (b) that Vlad is on the ropes.
This is the Donald & Vlad Show to manipulate our perceptions. They don’t need to spat publicly.
“Hey Trump; how’s that Dictate?” - Buckwheat
Retaliatory moves? I guess this means Putin will be cutting off all borscht exports. If Donnie Darko wants to keep the borscht flowing, his mouth will have to go full-hoover on Putin’s dick at the G-20.
Oh Donald, pucker up buttercup - your Daddy is impatiently waiting for you.
How ironic, Putin would likely not have to pay for that if he didn’t have a private policy.
Healthcare in Russia is provided by the state through the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and regulated through the Ministry of Health.[1] The Constitution of the Russian Federation has provided all citizens the right to free healthcare since 1996
“A deal’s a deal, Donnie. Perform your side of the bargain.”