Discussion: Krauthammer Tells Colleagues He Has Weeks To Live Due To Return Of Cancer

No argument from me but hell has a special place for people like Hannity and Rush…

Think of it as the difference between a “little p” conservative prick and a big P conservative Prick…

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It couldn’t happen to a nicer douche-bag!


He has no regrets. After all the shit he has spewed and all the support he gave to the RW crazies over the years in their quest to destroy the American dream, he has no fucking regrets.
Hey, I love Michelle Obama more than I could ever express into words, but the first person who says “When they go low…” in a conversation about Charles Krauthammer gets a free kick in the (actual or philosophical) nuts from me.
Sorry, I’ll save my empathy for the people who will have nowhere to turn if the ACA is destroyed and they can’t afford their chemo and medication and are basically condemned to die a horrid death because they don’t have the advantages of Krauthammer. And if anyone wants to compare me to Kelly Sadler, I really don’t care. This guy has been poison to our beliefs for decades. I’ll save my salted tears for the people who deserve them.


Southerndem: “Sounds like he has good health insurance…”

Unlike the rest of us. I have cancer too but I’ll need help from charities to pay my bills.


That’s what I don’t get about some of the reactions here. EVERYBODY dies, many from cancer. Few (in this country at least) have access to the kind of healthcare and palliative care that krauthammer has enjoyed and his pushing of the selfish Regressive agenda helped to create and maintain this situation.

I’ll save my sympathy for his victims, especially so given his lack on contrition.


I have no regrets either, Krauthammer. But then, I haven’t spent most of my life trying to fuck over people who have less than I do like you have been doing for decades.


To borrow from the great Anthony Jeselnik, I’m not saying it’s funny that he has cancer . . . it’s just the way that he says it.

That being said, please join in me in the Standard Prayer for Dying Republicans from the Zombie Reagan Book of Lamentations:

May his suffering be brief,
And may his peace be lasting
May he feel the love of family
And may all his ailments pass swiftly
Into Trump’s nut-sack and sphincter



sorry to hear that

I heard a story on a news update recently discussing the 2 year turn around from terminal breast cancer to no cancer detected (pardon my ignorance with terminology please) based on harvesting white blood cells from the patient and creating an abundance of the cells in a lab, then reintroducing the cells back into the patient, with the noted result above. At least some hope somewhere?

as they say in Lesotho, sala hankle (stay well)

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I am a cancer survivor. It is a very scary thing to be told that diagnosis…
Knowing that feeling I’ll refrain from comment except to say I disagreed with Krauthammer’s politics. I hope he can be physically comfortable. And that he is not denied any pain meds.


I think in South Lesotho they say “Y’all sala hankle”.

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In death may he find the peace, comfort, and security he and his ilk dedicated their lives to denying others.


In the long run, we’re all dead. The best we can hope is to leave a name that recalls what we did, what we were in life. Thank God, I won’t have his.


All the above would be best.


Trump: More proof that if you are against me, you will get Cancer and then ObamaCare will kill you.

Alt headline: A cancer on society tells fellow cancers that he is going to die from cancer.


The Universe: “Terribly sorry old chap. It’s that thermodynamics entropy thing. Can’t do much about it. Rule of laws you know. But not to worry, your atoms will still be around for a long long time. Now what shall we do with them? Some of them could just float around in earth’s atmosphere for a while (wouldn’t it be fun if Keith Olberman accidentally inhaled some of you?), some, perhaps, eventually, into a marine iguana. But, as your Mister Trump says, we’ll see what happens.”


Tough way to go for sure. I wish I had any iota of sympathy for him, but given his stances on the rest of humanity, about all I can manage is a hearty “bye, Felicia”.


Or Trump?


There are people whose departure leaves the world a darker, sadder, more diminished place. Yes, there certainly were and are such people.


Very thoughtful.
