Discussion: Kobach Unsuccessfully Sought Governor Pardon For Corporate Donor's VP

Any mention of this cabbie’s complexion?


Sounds like just the kind of person we would want running around armed /s


Seems to me that Corruption starts at the feet of Kris Kobach. He has tried every underhanded trick to suppress Americans from voting for the last eight years or more. This man does not belong in Public Office at any level.


Kobach is a failure at every level.

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Could not agree more! But he probably can’t do anything else. The judge in this last voter fraud case is sending him back for classes on courtroom protocol. He can’t do anything right.

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whose crime, police said, involved threatening a cab driver by putting a gun to his head.


The more I read about Kobach, the more I think that he has inherent moral defects so major that it might be of some benefit to study (what passes for) his brain in a scientific setting. fMRI testing might lead researchers to identify structural defects and establish methods of testing to prevent other such menaces from being unleashed upon society.

Just a thought.

The chance of “Governor” Kobach happening continue to swirl down the toilet of incompetence and immorality.

threatening a cab driver by putting a gun to his head

…Bader is vice president and treasurer of TriStar Arms, his family’s Kansas City, Missouri, firearms importing and wholesaling business.

Selling guns to good guys, right? We should treat this the way we would treat the head of a chain of daycare centers who was caught trading child pornography.

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Kobach is running for Governor, and I wonder how the voters will take all of this… He was ahead in polls on the R side (primary is August 9), but state wide he is in real trouble. Even before getting bitch-slapped by a Federal Judge and this little nugget, he was underwater. Here are his approvals (as of march 2018, before his current “issues”):smile:

“Kobach had a total of 29.6 percent positive responses, with 15.0 percent highly positive and 14.6 somewhat positive. He also had the highest negative response total at 49.9 percent, with 41.7 percent highly negative and 8.2 somewhat negative.”

I think he will even bomb with the republican electorate, and if not, the Democrats will win the Governors race in KS in the fall.

Kobach is certainly winning friends and influencing people, isn’t he? :laughing:

“A gubernatorial pardon would also make clear that the right to keep and bear arms is a sacred one in Kansas,”

while earning a living in Missouri is apparently not protected by the Constitution

I see that, with a few notable exceptions, pardons are now being requested and granted to rich people who actually committed crimes and received relatively mild punishment from the courts. This is obviously a complete subversion of the pardon power which is supposed to right a wrong and enable justice to prevail in cases where exorbitant sentences were handed out or real justice was stymied or perverted in some other way. Apparently it is evolving into a get out of jail free card for donors, right wing hacks and other people of influence. This is, of course, symptomatic of full blown autocracy.

But hey, that diagnosis was confirmed a long time ago - this just adds to the overwhelming preponderance of evidence.