Discussion: Kobach To Ross: Add Census Citizenship Question To Change How Districts Are Drawn


If we want to keep noncitizens out of the electoral process, how about we start with Russians, assholes?


Remember when “Taxation without representation is tyranny!” was considered patriotic?


Kobach, Ross, Sessions, Bannon, and of course Trump and all the other reactionary Repuglicans are criminal thieves, attempting to steal democracy from all Americans.


Funny…that Constitution thingee says all persons must be counted. They’ll just have to make sure that non-citizens become nonpersons and it’ll all be good.


An example of why Republicans can’t make government work.


Although an amendment has been added, the original Constitution counted some in the nation at 2/3s. Maybe the GOP is trying to revert to those days.


If you can’t win fair and square, cheat.
If you can’t cheat, steal.
If you can’t steal, go full Quisling to get power.


They only want to keep non-citizens out of the electoral process if they won’t help them to win and keep their own power, so Russian oligarchs are okay. They would let the Devil himself vote in the election if they could. No doubt about it, he would certainly vote for Republicans.


This is why PuPPet maintains a 44% approval rating among the rubes.

PP is also going to hold nuclear talks with NoKo without the advice of a WH science advisor or senior counselor trained in nuclear physics because he’s never named one. Advantage: North Korea.

Setting a record chez blue for saying What an asshole every day.


Why do they lie? They lie about everything. Climate change isn’t real (because our big donors are polluters), voter fraud is a thing (so that we can keep people who mostly vote for Democratic candidates from voting), there should be mandatory drug testing tied to federal assistance (because we know they are too lazy and doped up to find a job), a president (Obama) should not get a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee in an election year (so if we win, we can appoint our guy) and now for “accuracy’s sake”, all people should be asked if they are citizens (so that we can screw New York and California out of congressional seats). Do the sheep who support these grifters really believe what they are peddling???


“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

― Emma Lazarus

“Fuck That!”

― Your friendly neighborhood GOP


There’s talk of removing the plaque with the poem on it because it’s ceased to be relevant. Today we joke, tomorrow we watch the sledgehammers.

@jodykoci Have you looked at various social media where PP supporters come out to post about him? They believe it.


Kobach lies blatantly in this letter. Is it an offence to deliberately furnish false information to cabinet officers, the way it is to lie to congress? Citizenship is only peripherally related to whether someone officially resides somewhere. If he spent the rest of his life in prison it would be too short.


“As you know, that was not a part of the statue originally,” —Steven Miller, friend of the downtrodden.


In other news, this won’t be happening, for now:

“So-called Indiana Senate Enrolled Act 442, which was approved by
lawmakers in 2017, amends the state’s voter registration laws to allow
elections officials to remove from the rolls any voters found registered
in another state by a system called Crosscheck that is administered by
the Kansas Secretary of State.”

(A Hoosier in a state of exasperation)


Hmm, they cut taxes, so they should also cut representation. Make sense.


If you want to make the allocation of power and federal resources fairer, how about taking a look at the imbalances in the numbers of people represented per Representative in Congress? Small states have greatly disproportionate numbers of reps, which, of course, affects how many votes they have in the electoral college, and the amount of power they wield in Congress. It’s been a long time since the maximum number of representatives was set at 435.


ummm, that is raison d’etre for goopers - make government fail, say privatizing is better for the unwashed masses then strip the government coffers leaving us to clean the shit up while they float merrily away in their yachts.


I think they lie so blatantly, so frequently, and often so extravagantly for several reasons. First, the truth simply does not lead to the immediate and self-serving outcomes that they prefer. Second, it is a kind of expression of power, to lie and get away with it is to defeat truth itself. (Unfortunately, lots of harm will come from these lies, and not all of it will fall where it should.)