Discussion: Klobuchar Joins 2020 Field: 'I Will Focus On Getting Things Done'

All right, letā€™s do this Amy.


Klobuchar - ā€˜I Will Focus On Getting Things Doneā€™.




I like her a lot and Iā€™m eager to see how sheā€™ll perform in debates. Kamala is still my #1, but whomever shines the brightest during the debates is the candidate Iā€™m going to be supporting during the primaries. Whomever wins the primaries is the candidate I will be supporting in the general.


As I said I another thread, ANY person who can stand for half an hour and give a speech in cold snow to an enthusiastic crowd is tough. Iā€™m impressed with what Iā€™ve heard, including how she handled questions about being a ā€œbad bossā€ (which is a bunch of BS anyway ā€“ a Senator being demanding isnā€™t news when itā€™s a man, and it shouldnā€™t be news when the Senator is named Amy as opposed to one named Albert).

Amy has a real shot, and I think sheā€™ll be AT LEAST in the VP slot. Iā€™m excited by our deep bench, and canā€™t wait for the debates. Letā€™s do this!! Amy will be on Rachel Monday Night; Iā€™m looking forward to hearing from her.


Imho, once Harris said she was going to take away health care from 180 million people, and Medicare advantage from another 20 million, Klobuchar became the go to electable candidate in the field. That the right wing is dropping opp research on her (hard on staff) says she has the right mix and is hard to chatagorize as a lefty wanting to take your stuff (healthcare, money) and give it to someone else.

Unless Bennett actually gets in, she is the person to take out Biden if he runsā€¦


And when, pray tell, did she say any such thing>


Well if you make everyone have the exact same government Medicare coverage, as Harris stated, well then everyone will not have private insurance coverage. The ā€˜takes awayā€™ your insurance for about 200 million people.

Remember how the republicans beat on Obama for taking away about 1 million Peopleā€™s insurance (and then quire crappy plans) and it drove down the acaā€™s Approval numbers? Multiply that by 20000%. That is what we will see if a candidate who promised to take away everyoneā€™s insurance coverage and ā€˜make you get what the government will give youā€ is the nominee.

I really thought Harris was smarter than to fall into that trap (allowing ā€˜people to buy into medicare, which creates competitionā€™ is quite popular, not sure why she went for the ā€˜health care like in Venezuela :venezuela: ā€˜ option.

P.s. and personally, I made that choice , we went with kaiser (our own nhs on the west coast) but I know the trade-offs, they will be a lot less clear for people unused to socialized medicine.

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Amy and Kamala will be spreading the Warren-esque tax word. To me, that is very important.


Iā€™ll be really interested to see how the geo-demographics play out for her. The midwest is super important for the entire future of our nation IMO, but Iā€™m far from convinced that a progressive will not have broad appeal to midwest voters. Itā€™s great Klobucharā€™s going to be in the mix!


I like her as a Senator, but I really donā€™t think sheā€™ll stand out much as a Presidential candidate. Minnesota nice just doesnā€™t cut it in much of America. Itā€™s like Minnesota food: too bland for most peopleā€™s taste. People (especially Democrats) look to be inspired by their Presidential candidates and Klobuchar is about as inspiring as a Velveeta and mayo sandwich on Wonder bread.

Its the 31 Baskin and Robbins flavors of candidates. So many choices. I love it. Iā€™d like them all, please.

I do like Klobuchar. Funny how the media canā€™t just announce her without adding some angle they want to bring up, and no doubt will repeatedly, about what kind of boss she is because some unhappy employee(s) complained about her once upon a time. Iā€™ve never seen that kind of knock being made against a male candidate. Theyā€™ve now done that with every single Democratic candidate so far. Its like theyā€™re get their talking points from some rightwing nutjob. I wish theyā€™d cut it out. The media, cable in particular, shouldnā€™t be pushing gossip or making minor complaints into major issues with the candidates, especially since theyā€™re partly responsible for giving us tRump in the first damn place and never once apologizing for it.

At this point, anybody is better than that nitwit in the White Houseā€¦so spare me that extra high bar that all these Dems have to reach in order to be our candidate. Every one of them is exceedingly better, even on a bad day, than the best vainglorious day tRump has ever had while kissing himself in the mirror.


Iā€™m Team Amy. Be afraid, Donald. Be very afraid.


Harris supports Medicare for All, but not in the sense of "making people buy into it.

As a Medicare recipient, I pay $106 a month in premiums, and have very low co-pays for office visits ($10) and prescriptions (I pay $7 for a 90-day supply of 4 different medications.)

You have failed to listen carefully, and followed that error by leaping to a conclusion with an alacrity that would make a mountain goat green with envy.


Klobuchar is my preferred candidate, but at the moment not the one Iā€™d vote for in a primary. Iā€™m curious to see to what extent she can build a constituency onto which the rest of us can agglomerate. That, to me, is the key question of Klobucharā€™s candidacy. Right now, steps 3,4,5,6 are obvious but steps 1,2 are not.

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She has my vote before anyone. I think she is the one that can beat Trump, but I hate what she will have go through when media will only ask her if she is nice enough, E. Warren will be only asked about her Indian issues, when most people born in OK also say they are part Indian. C. Harris will be only asked about her criminal hard line, When the men will not be asked if they are nice enough, or if they have any benefit of their ancestors, that they were to hard on criminals. I hate these women issues, that men do not have to even address. Trump is a criminal, but all the media only care regarding the woman, are they nice, not to hard on criminals, and did they benefit claiming she was an OK Indian.


Thereā€™s seriously only one potential candidate who stands to gain any traction who Iā€™m dead set against. Iā€™d be happy with any of the rest of them. For some reason, Iā€™m really interested in what Mitch Landrieu is going to do. I really like the guy and think heā€™d make a fine candidate or VP, but I keep going back to the debates. Thatā€™s the real test for me.


To have co-pays that low, you must have some additional coverage, no?
I went to see a doctor at a clinic once since I enrolled in Medicare. I think the office visit was about 185 bucks and I had to pay about eighty bucks. Maybe it goes down the more often you go, but I have only went once going on three years this coming June. I opted out of the prescription program. If Ibuprofen, aspirin or alcohol wonā€™t fix it, Iā€™m up shit creek.