Discussion: Klobuchar: Being Mean To My Staff Proves I Can Deal With Putin

That was absolutely once true.

Near as I can tell, it’s still true. Doesn’t make it right.

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You seem to be negating the me too movement.

I was interested in Klobuchar until this came out. She has always been abusive and demeaning. This was true in her previous gig; it got so bad in the Senate that Harry Reid had to talk to her.

No excuses should be made for her, period.

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I would just as soon that the President not scream and throw things at Putin. I don’t think that’s productive in any situation.


Her clumsy campaign thus far has nearly reduced me to tears…

He was so obviously going nowhere, it was not necessary to focus on anything he was saying at this stage.

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Schultz is still running? hahahahahahahahahahahaha

He had his 15 and the media dropped him like he was hot after that.


He’s still in the “might run” as an Ind. category along with some other non-starters McAuliffe, Bennet of CO. et al. It’s as if these guys have had a refreshing nap and say to themselves, what should I do for the rest of the afternoon? Oh, I’ll announce I’m thinking of running for pres.

The “likely to run” aren’t any prettier, Biden, Swalwell, Bullock of MT, who IMO should stay in MT and run for the senate and get an R out of that seat.


Being mean to your staff proves you’re an asshole.

That is all.

The problem isn’t her ability to listen, it’s that staff who are intimidated won’t tell her things she needs to hear. She can’t listen to things that aren’t said.

That said, whatever her management style she has run an effective office which is the bottom line.

I also think this scenario for LooperTrooper …

He should run against Gardner …sure thing —

and now watch me eat salad with my comb

As well as the corollary: “Throwing is not control.”

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Klobuchar: Just another egomaniac abusing power, the power of office. This one, like all the others, has nothing to learn; rather, she is quite proud of her behavior. No, I wouldn’t want some bully windbag in a critical position, e.g, facing Putin. I’d want someone who was actually confident, not a bully. But so many people are susceptible to this bullying, posturing, bullshit. And that goes a long way toward explaining how the empty bully rises to high office, in corporate America, academia, the government, etc.

This is damnable nonsense. How does she treat CONSTITUENTS!?! THAT is what’s important. Unless there is a real harassment problem with staff this is absolutely trivial.

Having said that this is a Minnesota thing. That jackass Mondale was the same way. Hands off that traitor Reagan but he was infamously difficult with his staff. He could have eviscerated Reagan, tore him limb from limb even in a loss. Remember the 241 Marines Reagan killed in Beirut? Neither did the voters in that election.

As an aside someone from the Midwest told me that New Englanders are standoffish until you know them … then they are very outgoing and friendly. She said Midwesterners are the exact opposite … superficially nice but with a mean streak.

Well - you can see this one coming. A strong woman who does not suffer fools is immediately “Hillary-ized” She IS smart, tough and she gets things done - most productive member of the Senate. But, she’s a WOMAN so let’s find a way to bring her down. BTW - several dozen NAMED staff members - both current and former - released a letter of support. Funny how that got buried. Emails, anyone?

I am probably being a prude, but I absolutely cannot agree with (or “like”) any comment that uses that word, even if I might agree with the overall sentiment. @tobie presumably is correct in noting the unhelpful shift in the statement, but I cannot think of any way of phrasing the idea that has a more favorable implication other than saying that she is a bad boss, meaning that she is unduly demanding and unreasonable in dealing with people who work for her. That is never a good thing. (I certainly make a distinction between being a demanding boss and a bad one.)

No. Being mean to your staff means you’re arrogant and insecure at the same time. Stay in Minnesota.

No that means you a women running for President.

I admit that it would be amusing to see her throw a binder at Putin - but no, Amy, get off the bus at the next stop.

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