I don´t think he´s gonna recover from this.
How does ¨President Pence¨ strike your ears?
THIS IS EXCELLENT NEWS FOR GENERAL KELLY!! Great going, Guys. Blow hard. Love it.
Small fingers, small man, small ideas.
It sounds TERRIBLE! . . . . .except when we consider another 3½ years of alt-president Trump
Get ready to puke, peeps - and I’m talkin’ projectile vomit this time!
And BTW, most of the comments are wonderful. They sound exactly like us.
I wouldn’t want anyone to breathe a sigh of relief. It would get worse in a different way.
I wish I shared your modest enthusiasm. But I’m not sure if anything can disabuse republicans of their opinion that trump is still their useful idiot. He may be a racist, misogynistic son of a whore, but he’s too important to their movement for them to hold him too accountable.
So what? When did Repug voters vote Democratic?
There are more of us and he’s lost the independents.
I dunno. Maybe it´s better to have a wounded R President who can´t get anything done, and who guarantees massive R defeats in the midterms.
OTOH, it´d probably be a bit stressful worrying about Trump walking around with the nuclear football for 3-1/2 years…
OTO-OH. having an evangelical waiting for the Second Coming like Pence is not much of an improvement.
Man, ain´t it grand living in interesting times?
Hey, if Bob Corker sticks his head above the parapet to criticize Trump, they are 1), losing their fear, and 2), getting scared about the blow-back on the party.
I don´t know what they´re gonna do; I suspect they are just as clueless.
I’m not so sure anymore. He’s becoming a huge liability to the Republican Party. He’s being talked about in terms of his “third-party creds.”
Good freaking lord. A man with zero credibility speaks and expects the world to listent. Did he ever find Jimmy Hoffa or Al Capone or whoever he was looking for?
I wish people would quit having conniptions over the idea of President Pence. What does anyone think he’d be able to do?
He’d be a place-holder until 2020 because he would be an unelected president.
Apparently it has been too long since that man last got hit in the face with a chair.
Not so fast. If he’s involved in the Russian shit like many believe he’ll be gone soon too.
I happen to be one of those people.
So any name you want to slot in there is fine - whoever it is will be mostly a warm butt in the chair in the Oval Office.
Unless is whips it out during a press conference, we have him for the duration.
Trump’s gonna pivot.
Any moment now…
For those of you not on Twitter, here’s something that you should read. These people must be stopped and diminished.