Discussion: King v. Burwell: TPM's Guide To The SCOTUS Case That Could Crush Obamacare

Discussion for article #233846

Heads up…

Editor’s Note:

The Court expects to issue decisions in argued cases on both Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 a.m. We will begin live-blogging at approximately 9:45 both days.

The Court also has confirmed that the audiotape of Wednesday’s hearing in King v. Burwell will not be released on that day, but on Friday, as is usual.

So check in on Friday March 6 2015 if you wish to hear the audio of the proceedings.


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Why bother, we know how this corrupt court will rule.

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This shitbag skullfucking SCrOTUS is, and I’m not being facetious, such a disgrace to the legal system and our core constitutional foundations that it’s got me seriously considering leaving law and plying my talents elsewhere.

I feel corrupted for having anything to do with a profession where these cumsucking pigs are considered the pinnacle of accomplishment and stature.

Fuck this shit.

To the contrary, we need more raptors like you on our side in the profession, my dear Hawk. All props to you!!

Isn’t this like those “House Hunter” shows, where the couple already bought the house before the “selection worries” of the show are filmed, but they put us through the dog and pony show so there is some drama to watch? Isn’t the outcome already set in SCOTUS cases before oral arguments?