Discussion: Kimmel, Other Late Night Hosts: Why Do Our Leaders Keep Letting This Happen?

I would call them “so-called representatives.” There are way too many God damned leaders, in the wrong direction.


Kimmel pointed out there was a shooting in KS Sunday where 2 or 3 folks were killed that didn’t even make the news due to the LV shooting and one at USC did make it on TPM.



I’ll be curious how close, in the next round of polling, majority support for stricter gun regulations comes to the Constitution-amending 3/4. Political support in Congress is closer to 7/8 of Republicans against any kind of restriction, and 2/3 of Democrats keeping their powder dry.

Too many leaders. Not enough representatives.


And let us not forget the GOP legislation forbidding any of the federal agencies to study or to fund academic studies of gun violence. Because the NRA has dictated our federal policy on this.


A really interesting article on the change the NRA has made from a group that used to try to keep people using guns safe into a group controlled by the gun industry whose only goal is to sell product, regardless of if people get killed or maimed.


When did comedians become our most eloquent speakers for sanity and human life? And why was it necessary?

(Yes, those are rhetorical questions.)


Jimmy Fallon and Adam Sandler. The perfect cast with which to play “Spot the Biggest Tool” because there’s no wrong answer.

Reason for the 2nd amendment.

Read one article on truth out saying it was mainly to help slave owners keep their slaves under control, but this one says no to that notion. Link to other article in this link of you want to read both.


NRA not the only ones that don’t want to talk about the shooting while it’s fresh on our minds?

“Let’s be clear,” Murphy told Brzezinski. “The pace of the epic mass shootings, 10 or more people being killed, doubled after the assault weapons ban expired. That’s not a coincidence.”


Comedians take on another important issue. Al Franken is a pretty damn good Senator. Maybe we just need more in office. They have empathy and common sense, and they learn about issues and policy. Traits sorely lacking in many so-called ‘leaders.’


270 shootings in which more than four people were killed in 272 days in the US. Apparently, that’s fake news and shouldn’t be addressed.


Some sick, but sadly, probably correct assuming mofos.


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Easy. That’s what they’re paid to do.

Yes. The NRA has become a grotesque parody of itself. With lots of money to spread around its sickness, and lots of takers in Congress.


And a lot of citizens that buy into the whole pile of BS and carnage.

I suggest an Act to Restore the Second Amendment: make all forms of arms legal. Since the 2nd doesn’t specify “guns,” then citizens should be able to procure rocket launchers, hand grenades, sarin gas, tanks, attack helicopters, and if they have a big enough garage, fission cores. By scaling up production to meet the presumably considerable latent demand, these modern luxuries – heretofore reserved for the “elites” in the Pentagon – should come down in price. Every home should be able to stock a Davy Crockett or two in case Demonrats come to confiscate their stockpiled nerve agents, or, fate forfend, an intruder tries to take their TV set. Not even the police are equipped to protect us – right now, only the criminals have chemical weapons and carbombs. Surely this is not what the Founders intended.

With companies like BAE and Raytheon competing against the likes of Ruger and H&K for legislative representation, I suspect the NRA would quickly be sidelined by the industry giants who develop Littoral-class electronic warfare platforms and strike drones. And why shouldn’t they be? An armed population is, after all, a necessary check on government, but today’s arsenal of democracy has made our well-regulated militias noncompetitive. This is where the NRA has failed us: in perpetually glorifying the weakest of all types of modern weapons, they have made us vulnerable to madmen with modified sporting equipment. I for one am sick and tired of being condescended to by politicians and lobbyists who believe that my right to defend my home & family ends arbitrarily with peashooters and turkey guns. The recent spike in car attacks makes all the clearer that every citizen needs at the very least to have large-caliber, vehicle-mounted antimateriel weapons capable of turning a truck inside out and stopping it in its tracks. We’ve all seen road rage videos and nobody can afford to take these chances. Until this Act is passed, you won’t see me on the roads, no sir.

It’s not our leaders that allow this to happen, it’s us. Who elected these morons? Us morons.

The leaders let it happen because the population want it to continue or - more accurately- won’t countenance the steps needed to stop it. Criminal background checks, mental health etc are near irrelevancies that fail to address the heart of the problem. Devastating the Dems wouldn’t do anything substantive in 2009/10.

I’m old enough to remember that NRA before they went off to crazy town in 1977.
When I was a kid in the 60’s and 70’s I had my Daisy BB pellet gun with the NRA logo embossed on the side. To us it was equivalent to the Good Housekeeping seal, nothing political or unhinged was inferred.
As kids we’d play in the wooded area and park preserve in our neighborhood. The police had enough sense to realize that we were just some kids playing so none of us ended up like Tamir
In summer camp we did some basic marksman stuff where we learned to respect firearms. “Don’t point at people or animals!”
Yes, the NRA still has its safety courses but the organization as a whole has strayed far from its original mission and become an industry in and of itself. From playing footsie with militia groups to opposing post Oklahoma City regulations on taggets in fertilizers they’ve gone into the deep fringes.