It seems likely that this meeting was instigated by conservative members of the Pope’s party, probably the same ones who were offended that Obama invited Gene Robinson, and the teacher fired from the Catholic school for her same-sex marriage, and the nuns who had been criticized by Benedict.
That fits with the idea that the Pope did not know who she was and just offered a bland blessing. And it fits with the claims that the Vatican instigated the meeting.
The only factual dispute now seems to be whether it was a private meeting or a meeting as part of a line of people being blessed.
Hell, there is growing backlash even here in KY. A new poll out yesterday shows that 51% of KYians think she should be required to issue marriage licenses (42% disagree, 7% are too stupid to have an opinion).
Kim Davis’ 15 minutes are about up. She is the latest in a long line of diversions/grifter bait used by the GOP. Remember Joe the Plumber? Cliven Bundy? It is one laughable distraction after another. Boehners resignation was the last finger in the dyke ,it is all coming down now.
i think that the pope is saying that conscientious objection is ok. if she personally does not want to sign the licenses, so be it. he is not saying that blocking her clerk’s from issuing licenses is ok.