Discussion: Keystone Pipeline Won't Use US Steel Despite Trump Pledge

After 100 days of his nonsense, all I can give this is an exhausted sigh.



I’m shocked,shocked I say… Why I never in a million years could have imagined this outcome.


When all is said and done does the US have the equivalent to St. Helena Island, you know somewhere warm, small, where we can contain the bat shit crazy dude?


Surprise, surprise! And when is it that Trump manufacturing is coming to the USA?


Nice and balmy (except during hurricane season) at Gitmo.


An acquaintance who works on the Enbridge pipeline told me they use German steel because it’s the only steel in the world that’s strong enough to meet specifications. Chinese steel is the stuff of gas station pocket knives and American steel isn’t strong enough, either.


The steel companies in the US that make that high quality pipe for pipeline are owned by Indian, Russian, and Italian companies:

Since the materials were already purchased for Keystone, Trump’s move to revive the project should not result in new large steel orders.

The profits for manufacturing that steel were booked by companies with corporate headquarters in Russia, India and Italy. Those companies own the steel mills in the United States that made about half of the pipeline for the $8 billion project.


I think somewhere rustic and secure - perhaps spending the rest of his life at Camp David.


Of course they won’t. Nothing Trump says has any basis in reality.

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“I said, ‘Nope, it comes from the United States, or we’re not building one.’ American steel. If they want a pipeline in the United States, they’re going to use pipe that’s made in the United States.” -Trump at CPAC last week.

About half the steel used to build the pipeline is to come from a plant in Arkansas [an Indian-owned plant, supposedly with India imported steel], according to the pipeline builder, TransCanada. The rest will be imported. -LA Times


Trump is like toxic waste, i.e. lethal, needs to be removed, difficult to find a place to store for time immemorial. GET OUT!!

By “purchase” I’m assuming they mean “contracts signed” since it would be really stupid to have this stuff manufactured and sitting around for years and years waiting for reinspection.

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It’s almost like Hair Furor’s brain(?) doesn’t engage before he opens his yuge piehole, or his tiny fingers tweet.

Stupidity has consequences.


I hope the pipelines work out better than Hair Furor’s first infrastructure project.


What? Trump misspoke, exaggerated, prevaricated, fabricated, lied? Oh, well


Another day, another Trump lie.
Will these Trump voters finally figure it out - you were conned by Don !

You mean (gasp!) the prezident of the United States LIED?!? What’s next? Dogs and cats, living together…the horror…

It’s OK. We all saw the stacks of pipe ready to go into the ground. It was clear that this was bullshit. Just like the millions of jobs that it will create. Guess they thought that people pushed the oil along with paddles. One job per miles is expected, just like the number of people it takes to maintain and operate the Alaska pipeline.