Discussion: Key Immigration Reformers Cast Doubt On Cruz's 'Poison Pill' Account

Discussion for article #243903

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News flash! Cruz is a lying sack of shit. Film at eleven.


Pffft. Reformers cast doubt? What I doubt is that he’s said two true things in a row since he was 9 years old. Cruz is the kind of liar who can beat a polygraph because he just doesn’t care. There’s no reason for him to care. He thinks everyone is too stupid to notice, and for the most part he’s right. He’s been lying constantly and outrageously since he showed up on the national stage and now he’s got a fairly plausible shot at being a major-party candidate for the Presidency. He’s about the best argument for being an outrageous liar since Richard Nixon was elected with a secret plan to end the war.


Good that oil prices are down…think how much is needed to keep the Croooze weathervane lubricated.


A conservative dolly being called a Flip-Flopper?! Oh, such a harsh term to be stuck with, especially when your opponents know they’re being raging hypocrites in the process. I think Cruz should call John Kerry for tips on how to work through such unfair branding.


“[T]he battle rages over whether Sen. Ted Cruz has flip-flopped on immigration.”

Sen. Cruz has been absolutely consistent on this and other issues.

He consistently follows whatever direction the political wind blows.


"“Most of us had not anticipated how far the center of gravity has shifted in the GOP,” "

Like Kepler’s Laws and Newton’s Laws, the closer you get…in this instance to an election (as opposed to a celestial body)…the more that gravity exerts itself.

The closer we get to elections, the more important it becomes to the GOP/Teatrolls that brown people never be given the right to vote OR, for those who “slipped through the cracks” and managed to get that right, the more their votes should be discouraged and suppressed and diluted.

Generally speaking, the “F” or force of gravity is “G” (the Universal Gravitational Constant) times the mass of object one, times the mass of object two, all divided by their distance apart squared (or radius in the case of an elliptical orbit):

F = G x (M1 x M2)/R^2

Now, if we just assume that “G” is now the Universal Genocidal Constant (i.e., the measure of constant, immutable societal tension between differing groups where one has set itself up as privileged and superior and now fears the rise of the other), “M1” is the population of white, conservative, GOP/Teatroll racist bigots who believe Amurikkka “is supposed to be a white people country”, “M2” is the population of minorities that can vote or may become voters and “R” is the time until the next election, then we can measure “F”, which is the level of force M1 is willing to wield to prevent M2 from attaining equal status and political power.

Add in some vectors, like the rate at which M2 is increasing and “F” is suddenly measuring the rate at which M1 is approaching genocidal rage…


What you say is something to be taken seriously. It partially explains why the G.O.P. has jettisoned any pretense of “broadening” its appeal. ALSO…just dealing with the ACT of voting, check this out:

  • Registration hassles
  • Restriction of early voting
  • Impediments w/r/t voting machines and sites
  • Misleading information about voting
  • “True The Vote” and other voter intimidation efforts
  • The voting machines themselves

And much much more make this an election in which all the stops may be pulled


Some of these candidates, with Cruz leading the motley pack, seem to forget that when you state something in public, in front of microphones and video cameras that this ends up becoming “history” and “facts” … both of which the Republicans have no compunction against re-writing to their own benefits. Unfortunately for them, the recordings and the press coverage are still there. Not the brightest.


This just in … MTP Daily replayed the MTP interview where Cruz absolutely could not answer the question of his plan for the 11 million undocumented immigrants. The Cruz campaign response to today’s interview was to send Steve King (R-Bigot-IA) to represent Cruz.

That’s scraping the bottom of the cantelope barrel!

"He [Cruz] claims the amendment Rubio is chiding him for was a "poison pill" meant to smoke out Democrats and kill the overall bill."

But what Cruz doesn’t grasp is that excuse is totally indecipherable to the anti-intellectual bigot demographic for which he’s competing with Trump.

While Cruz is putting a fine point on what the meaning of “is” is, Trump is balls-out calling immigrants rapists and murders in a manner even the morons can understand.


Unfortunately for humanity, with these idjits, facts don’t matter.

If a video reaffirms their preconceived notions, even a video proven to be false will be considered unassailable. But if that video challenges the lies they’ve invested in, the video is obviously a lie, or taken out of context, or wasn’t fair, or isn’t what he really meant to say, or whatever…


In this situation, he is probably right. They are getting down in the weeds of how legislation is drawn up, and that immediately bores the hell out of the typical GOP voter. They like things clean cut…Rubio is squish who wanted all those brown people to take over our country…Cruz is a rock ribbed conservative who hates those people as much as I do. Its simple.

So whatever Cruz says now to weasel…it will be accepted. And that’s the flaw in Rubio’s strategy here. He isn’t backing away from a pathway to citizenship (just putting it off for 10-20 years after he would be out any White House), he is trying to say Cruz agrees with him. Cruz merely has to say, which he did, that no, he does not. And case closed for the GOP base.

The reality is,at that time, Cruz was contemplating running for governor of Texas much more strongly than a run at President. So he wanted to seem “reasonable” (and just to be clear… the "moderate GOP position of his amendment is a travesty…second class citizenship, taxation without any hope of representation ) because Hispanics carry some weight in Texas. Now the situation is different, so, his story is different. He basically hedged his bet so he could spin it either way.



I also thought of Napoleon when every other candidate put their hands over their heart on top of their suit jackets – and there was Ted with his hand inside it – feeling up his man boob. His stance especially stood our because they were all dressed identically in blue suits and red ties (except Fiorina with her enormous cross.) His pose seemed to be a dog whistle to some constituency – although its intended meaning was certainly lost on me.


Thanks for playing Ted, but look behind you. That’s Trump…and he smells blood in the water.


Sound like the old John Kerry “I voted for it before I voted against it”. Didn’t do much for Kerry either.

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Two Latinos who each had at least one parent that was an immigrant trying to outdo each other on who can promote legislation to screw over immigrants the most during an election when the Latino vote could be the difference between winning and losing the White House!

Yeah, these two geniuses are certainly on the path to the White House!


This is news to you?

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Cruz will do anything, or say anything, in seeking the White House power that he so badly craves. The problem for him is that 85 percent of REPUBLICANS don’t favor him for the nomination now. And if by some bizarre means he winds up with the nomination, at least 20 percent of the Republicans are going to vote against him in the general.

Which means he CAN’T win. He can only go down in flames, perhaps even worse than Barry Goldwater in '64 or George McGovern in '72.

This is why I hope he gets the nomination. Or Trump.