“For six years we’ve been sort of fighting like the Hatfields and the McCoys. It’s been very partisan and we see what happens, we don’t have a success,” he said.
I’m looking for an appropriate response here … “FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!” seems understated.
It seems that the only real complaint that the R’s have continues to be the ACA was passed under President Obama’s guidance. They have never, to the best of my knowledge, been specific as to their complaints and seem to be embracing more and more of the program as time goes by.
So your replacement is gonna replace WHAT, precisely, and why? Which leg of this three-legged stool do you want to get rid of?
And, I might add, passed without a SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE. Maybe that pisses them off too. Not that President Obama didn’t try his damnedest to meet them halfway on something.
Lawmakers have since begun to coalesce around a plan that would repeal Obamacare through a fast-track process known as reconciliation, which only needs a majority vote in the Senate, but delay the effective date of the repeal for two to three years to give Congress time to come up with a replacement.
Kinda like filing for divorce from your wife, then telling her you want to continue to live and sleep with her for 2-3 years until something better comes along.
Should work out well.
The one that requires the insurance companies to spend money on sick people.
Well, the individual mandate is bad because freedom, but some of their plans would replace it by defaulting insurance scofflaws that don’t buy a plan into one and taking it out of their taxes, because personal responsibility. So there.
Everyone will get a unicorn out of the deal, so I say we run with it.
You may be yelling at the wrong guy.
Yeah just appoint Romney to HHS instead of Price, rename it Romneycare, and move on.
You mean like discarding the single payer and government option plans that the Democrats wanted in favor of going with the plan that was written by a Republican think tank?
He gave them exactly what they said they wanted and they still refused to vote for it.
His meaning: Let’s replace Obamacare with something EXACTLY like it, but rename it Trumpcare–so we can take the credit for healthcare in America.
The sooner we come up with ACA replacement…
“Come about the hedge, have we?”
I’ve known Lamar Alexander for 25 years.
He has a very small constituency—Lamar Alexander.
If he ever did anything without an eye to self-interest and self-enrichment, the world would stop turning on its axis.
He was a disastrous governor, a disastrous university president, and is a disastrous Senator.
He’s also a skilled butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-his-mouth liar and a grifter par excellence.
He is morally adrift, ethically barren, and intellectually constipated—a conservative trifecta.
Well, given that what we ended up with only barely made it through Congress, I’d say that Single-Payer was DOA (It couldn’t even pass on a state-level in Bernie Sanders’ Vermont). As for the Public Option, Lieberman on the Senate side, nixed that. President Obama made the calculation that he would lose the entire PPACA if he decided to have a big spat with Lieberman over it, so he cut his losses.
He was Education Secretary too under Bush I (I believe)?
And a signal failure at that job, too.
Senator Alexander must not have gotten the memo – the goal is Repeal and DON’T REPLACE.