Discussion: Key Bridgegate Witness Claims Christie Discussed A Cover-Up Plan With Cuomo

May or not be true, but it’s plausible. From what I’ve seen of Cuomo, I would not be shocked.

Andrew’s no Mario.


File this under “I’ll drag anyone down with me that I can”…

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If Cuomo really is involved then I’d like to take this opportunity to say to him: Please get out of my party.


If this brings down Cuomo along with Christie drinks on me!



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Two big fish on the hook…well one big fish…and one whale.

Yes. I went there. Haven’t you heard? Political correctness is destroying this country! :grinning:


Cuomo kind of had to be involved - it’s the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, just sayin.


It’s not political correctness, it’s a whale.


Cuomo is a DINO. If this can take him down, NY will replace him with a better Dem, like Teachout.



There were previous allegations that Christie and Cuomo plotted to have a phony toll increase proposed, the idea being that they could reap political popularity by “stopping” it.

Given that story, it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Cuomo worked to minimize the Bridgegate damage to Christie.

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That doesn’t really even make sense. I mean, sure, maybe Christie and Cuomo talked about what could be done and how they planned to get the press and politicians to back off and shine the spotlight elsewhere, but using the words “cover up” suggests (and Wildstein is obviously the type to LIE to do so) that Cuomo was “in on it” in terms of the bridge closing shenanigans in the first place. I don’t think there’s any evidence of that whatsoever and why the fuck would he be?


The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

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Agreed. I don’t see the logic in Cuomo walking the blank to engage in a coverup just to protect Christie. Plus, as Cuomo’s folks noted, their director is the one who blew the whistle. Plus there’s no evidence of it.

Unless some huge piece is missing from this story, Occam’s razor says the most likely explanation is the correct one: Documented liar Wildstein lied again.


Right, which makes it believable that Cuomo would want the heat off of it as soon as possible, but it does not explain why he, as a prominent Dem who has POTUS aspirations, would want to join in a GOP/Teatrolls group seppuku session that was, at its core, all about punishing a Dem for not endorsing Christie.


This is the definition of hearsay. Wildstein didn’t witness any such conversation between Cuomo and Christie, he only heard about the conversation from a third party. This not only shouldn’t be news, I’m not sure why the testimony was even allowed in court.


I’ve always assumed that Cuomo helped Christie cover up the GWB crime. This is just confirmation that he did. First, I can’t exactly blame Cuomo for standing by while Christie stocked the Port Authority with his political commisars, such as Samson, Baroni and Wildstein, since Cuomo became governor a year later than Christie. But Cuomo said NOTHING when Christie shit-canned the Hudson River tunnel project so that he could steal the money. Cuomo should have been screaming from the rooftops and actively campaigning for Christie’s Dem opponent. Instead he orchestrated a cover-up to ensure Christie’s reelection.

I will vigorously support a Dem primary opponent to Cuomo in 2018. Andrew Cuomo: forever to be known as Christie’s bitch.



See, I’m not sure that the core cause was pressuring the Fort Lee Mayor for not endorsing. I think it had to do with showing those involved with the largest (I think) construction project in the state that sits between the last exit of the GWB and the Hudson River that they needed to play ball. I don’t like or dislike Cuomo, but folks are corruptible.

Nice giant apartment complex you have here, shame if something happened to it.