Discussion: Kentucky Guv: Kim Davis' Legal Arguments 'Absurd' And 'Obtuse'

Discussion for article #241254

Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear’s lawyers are using the words “absurd,” ''forlorn" and “obtuse” to describe the legal arguments a county clerk has used

what sort of arguments would anyone expect from a person that could actually be described as “absurd,” ''forlorn" and “obtuse”…

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TPM, so good we have to read it twice?


You beat me to it, Hoagie. But you have to admit, if it isn’t good enough to read twice, it nearly is.


THrow Kim Davis and any other official who refuses to work in jail or remove them.No one is above the laws of this land.
Chuck the lot of these bigoted creeps in jail !

Why was the Gov. so slow to react publicly to this absurd situation? It has emboldened JesusLand and made his state look backward.

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Hey lawyer commenters, is it at all typical to call the other side’s argument “forlorn,” or is it a brilliantly hilarious characterization by some individually gifted put-down artist? You hardly ever hear the word at all these days, but it’s so perfect.

And it’s also heartwarming to hear people who are good at their jobs commenting on the work of people who aren’t. When you look at the world through your media goggles it often looks crazy, but this isn’t like that, it’s sanity reasserting itself and taking control. Very soothing.


I am curious if the Clerk of the Court is permitted/authorized to modify County/State documents without some review and approval process. If not, then she has performed a function that her office must take action to remedy. If the alteration was intentionally performed in order to invalidate the instrument (and she accepted a fee for the service) then, it appears that a purposeful fraud was committed upon the recipients of the document.
Now, she has claimed publicly that, “I am good at my job”. She is not a newcomer to the Clerks office or any of its obligations or limitations.
This may be the point where the legislature should call for an investigation, with potential impeachment, based upon her actions.

“Kim Davis individually has no authority to issue marriage licenses and the Office of Rowan County Clerk does not have a right to free exercise of religion.” One neat sentence summarizing it all. And I would go even further and say that not only does the Office of County Clerk not have a “right” to free exercise, it is prohibited from taking actions that are religiously motivated. Kim Davis is causing the Office to act in violation of the United States Constitution by forcing its official acts to conform to her religious views. And more informally, fuck Pope Francis and the twisted cloud of religious liberty he rode in on.


What are you talking about? What are you talking about?


I read ‘somewhere’ the Huckster is considering Kim for his VP

It’s pretty obvious Judge Bunning, a Bush appointee, is very conflicted in this case. He should back off and let another Judge capable of getting a move on take it over. The delay works for Davis. And it goes on and on after she has patently broken the law and defied a Judge in doing so. No unhindered Judge would put up with this shit.

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Kentucky and my home state have a long standing, friendly rivalry. Unfortunately Indiana is moving further to the right with governor Pence’s anti-healthcare BS and his embarrassing RFRA fiasco. I find myself wishing this state were moving in the right direction like Kentucky with its best in the country healthcare rollout and now their governor calling out stupid religious grandstanding and hypocrisy. Oh to have a competent governor with a D behind his name.

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I agree. I have been eagerly waiting to hear of some response by Bunning to the new suit filed by couples who were given licenses that had been tampered with, but instead there has been nothing. Bunning acted swiftly when Kim Davis disregarded the Supreme Court’s refusal to grant her a stay, and he issued a stern warning upon her release from jail that she cannot interfere either indirectly or directly. But she interfered two weeks ago, and there has been no response. It shows that disregarding a judge’s order is okay and can be gotten away with, and he comes across as having been all bark and no bite (the initial jail time notwithstanding).