Discussion: Kentucky Gov: If Clinton Wins, Blood Of ‘Tyrants’ And ‘Patriots’ Will Be Shed (VIDEO)

Holy crap. This monster should be locked up. I truly don’t know which category he ‘thinks’ he belongs in (patriots or tyrants) but I know what I think. These people are ‘my way or the highway’ kind of people, NOT Americans who work for the good of their country.


This is a clear, if conditional, threat of political violence–otherwise known as terrorism. It has to be called out and confronted. I remember very well how during the Bush v. Gore limbo, the MSM basically folded in the face of implicit violence threatened by the right and essentially legitimized Bush’s power grab. It cannot happen again. Trump has to be called out on this by every journalist, every day. This isn’t just hot air. It represents a direct threat to constitutional democracy in this country. Nor is it just one whacko. This is the voice of an elected Republican, speaking for his party. Enough is enough.

EDIT: I just want to add: Trump has repeatedly suggested or implied that if he loses in November, it will be because the election has been rigged. He is essentially delegitimizing an adverse election result and so laying the groundwork for a ‘legitimate’ use of political violence that Bevin is envisaging. Trump has to be asked straight out: If Clinton wins the election, will you accept the legitimacy of her presidency? Do you deplore Governor Bevin’s talk about possible political violence? Do you actually believe in American democracy? He will not do well with these questions, believe me. And it will make the stakes of this election very clear.


“The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what?” Bevin continued. “The blood, of who? The tyrants to be sure, but who else? The patriots. Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren.”

No, you dumb ass. If Trump gets in and he unleashes the racists on the rest of us, that tree of liberty will be watered with the blood of you and your adopted black children. That you think you and yours are somehow immune is both hilarious and sad.


Is he threatening civil war? Is he going to be at the head of the Kentucky national guard?


Obama better move the bullion ASAP.


Treason? Sedition? Anyone?


You know, my first thought was hey, did he forget which side Kentucky was on in the Civil War? But then of course I realized it was much more complicated than that, and frankly it sounds like he wants a reenactment.

If he wants to be the second coming of Jefferson Davis he should have moved to Mississippi.

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I actually had to use my calculator to figure out how many ears between 1865 and 2016 there were (math not being my strong suit). The answer is 151.

151 years since the Confederacy was put down like a rabid dog only to rise again in its zombified state.


They are “Super Patriots”, you know those that ran and hid when their turn… all hat, no cattle type of people.


Q: Did you hear that the governor’s mansion in Frankfort, Kentucky burned down?
A: Yep. Purt near took out the whole trailer park.


Swap candidates and I could say almost exactly what he’s saying. I’m quite serious.


Bevin’s Office:
(502) 564-2611
Ask for the Chief of Staff…be polite to the ladies answering the phones. please.
As I told the woman in the CofS office, Bevin should focus on his inability to mount the governor horse.


Hey media…does this count as deplorable?

How many freaking examples do you need before you say Hillary is right…and this from a sitting Governor!


Remember folks, he is trying to WIN votes for Trump.


“The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what?” Bevin continued. “The blood, of who? The tyrants to be sure, but who else? The patriots. Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren.”

Though these comments sounded like a rallying cry, Bevin later told the Lexington Herald Leader that he was referring to the sacrifices made by members of the U.S. military.

You’re referring to sacrifices made by those in uniform?

Horsepucky! You’re saying that unless you and your turdburglars get your way that you want to see this country lit up.

Why does the GOP and it’s subsidiary, the Tea Party hate America and democracy so much?


This is a Christianist crying because he has fallen off his pedestal and can’t get up.

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I always find it interesting that whenever these modern day confederates (also known as traitors) speaks of insurrection, there’s always an assumption that they will come out on top. That the do-over will be worth it because THIS TIME, the Confederacy will be victorious. Why, you may ask? Because there’s always a hidden assumption that the American military will join in the fight. On their side.


Not to worry. Ol’ Guv was just sayin’ what the crowd wanted to hear, and even built in deniability for his follow up .statement.

Hey GOP…