Discussion: Kentucky Clerk Refuses To Give Gay Couple Marriage License, Defying Fed Order

Discussion for article #239375

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Remove or jail her…or both. Yup! Both would be fine:

In any case…get her out! Another bigot and homophobe in government is gone and a job is created for someone who wants to do it. Win/Win!

BTW: Remember when one of these lunatic TEAliban Christian clerks refused to issue divorce papers? ____ Correct! Me neither.


Why in hell is this bigot still employed by the county? Hey, David Moore and David Ermold, sue the fuck out of the county for keeping this idiot employed.


If a law firm advised a client to break the law…that’s a big deal. Perhaps David Kurtz could get in on this one as it’s a bit confusing. SCOTUS ruled it’s OK. But many Gov’s said you don’t have to if you have a religious objection. This person stops performing her duties on a religious conflict claim. A Judge says stop that. The Judge’s order is appealed and a law firm tells this woman to ignore the Judge. She keeps up the behavior she was ordered to cease.

I hope I have that right. Is there an legal angle she can exploit or is this just ‘in your face’ stupid?


Time to start arresting these people as well as terminating their employment.They are breaking the law.I demand that they be brought before a Judge and face charges now.


I hope the county pokie is located close by – That way she won’t have to travel far —


Gee, I wonder how this is going to end.

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Awww…and she looks like such a charmer too. (Love the salute…rotfl…seems so natural.) What a paragon of Christian love and kindness…actually she’s quite typical of the TEAlibangelical and Christofascist ilk. And she’s a true defender of traditional marriage; she loves it so much she’s done it four times.


The young man should have reminded her that her bible is also fine with slavery and talking snakes.
Personally, I think she’s trying to cause enough of a stink so she can get a better windfall at GoFundMe when her bigoted ass is out of a job and she grifts the Baggers and Cons.


Oh just fire the bitch already! Sheeesh!


I actually feel bad for the decent, mind their own business, Christians out there. I have friends who are Christians, and while I bust their chops about the overall silliness of their beliefs, they have never, even remotely, tried to pawn their beliefs off on me. And they support gay marriage because, as one of them put it “I don’t think Jesus would mind at all.” But these hateful, small-minded Tealiban (love that, by the way) a-holes are ruining it for all of them.


as SuperChicken used to tell Fred…

‘you knew this job was dangerous when you took it’


Now we’re going to hear from her, and all of the Fox News idiots, about how she’s being persecuted for her religious beliefs, when nothing could be further from the truth. Her martyrdom TONIGHT ON FOX NEWS!!! We report…bullshit and you decide…to eat it up.

The only penalties she can suffer seem to be misdemeanor and/or felony charges per each refusal of her oath-bound duty. I don’t understand why Bashear hasn’t placed her under arrest. Can anyone explain?


What a god damned fucking bitch. Four-times married. Doesn’t turn away heterosexuals who are divorced and “marrying” their new criminal sex partner. Turn away murderers? How about those who work on the Sabbath? – Which Sabbath? Those who “abuse” themselves? Those men who masturbate and waste their seed? Women who “speak up” in church?

This hussy isn’t fit to clean my toilet or my cat litter box. And just look at that hail to Hitler!! Why do you hate Jewish people, Mrs. Married Four Times?

I want to see the federal judge call for her arrest. Let’s see Jerry Falwell’s piss-poor counseling firm get her out of this one – legally.


If your “Christian” beliefs prevent you from obeying the laws you swore – on a “Bible,” no doubt – to uphold, then quit your job. After all, your “Savior” gave up his life for his beliefs, didn’t he? As a good “Christian,” you can at least do him the kindness of giving up your taxpayer-subsidized lifestyle.


I tend to agree. Good Christians aren’t Christianists. Good Christians recognize the world is much bigger, much more diverse than just them and their chosen beliefs.

Christianists are exactly like those who wish to enforce Sharia Law.


The judge said issuing a marriage license isn’t free speech and she can’t impose her religious beliefs on others.

Hallelujah! Now if we can just do the same thing with a woman’s right to choose.


Fire her!

Then throw her in jail for not complying with a court order!

Problem sovled!

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I can’t think of any right that she has as a government employee to refuse this order from the court. We had a judge in Ohio try to get out of performing these marriage and the arbiter of judicial conduct in Ohio basically told him to get real. He did. :smile:

That doesn’t mean, however, if this woman sues and tries to go up the chain, various judges won’t TRY to create a right for her. That said, she really needs to avoid the Liberty Counsel. They get into the middle of these types of things and lose big. They might be representing her pro bono, but my hometown school board tried to hire them for big bucks while they were trying to implement a conservative curriculum that would have never passed any muster. They were kicked off the school board and the proposal to hire this motley crew was never approved.