Discussion: Ken Cuccinelli Takes The Helm At Senate Conservatives Fund

Discussion for article #223797

It can’t be easy raising money from billionaires rabid about protecting their interests. Good luck, Ken.

"…under his [the Cooch’s] leadership, the Jim DeMint-founded group will continue to “stand up to the status quo…”

Brainiac! You ARE the fucking status quo.


Why isn’t this guy in jail?


“The Tea-Party aligned outside group has endorsed several winning candidates this primary season”

…and quite a few losers as well. Graham easily won his primary (which was ground zero for Demint), McConnell easily won his primary. Both of those were big bets that SCF went into quite heavily. The tea party candidates in Georgia took the last place positions. (Kingston isn’t a tea partier, though he was more than willing to act like one to get by Gingrey and Broun).

Overall the SCF and these other TP based groups are spending an enormous amount of money and producing very few results. Cochran barely ran a campaign in MS. Sasse was an early favorite. Ernst was a win, I will grant them that…but now they have to get these people through the general elections. Which is going to cost even more money and, in Iowa’s case, prove to be a very difficult task.

They are bleeding themselves dry.

aah, wingnut welfare.

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Hmmm… We need a new leader. Someone who knows how to win. Someone who knows what it is like to be in the Senate.

I know, Ken Cuccinelli!

The guy who has never been a Senator and lost to the worst Democratic candidate this side of Martha Coakley. It’s brilliant!

Doubling down on the craaaaazy!!!

That’s nice. I was tossing and turning at night, worried that Cooch wouldn’t be able to get a job after LOSING.

yeah aint life grand!!!

With Sodomy Ken at the helm, Conservative fundraising will thrust its long, firm member base into the soft money to be found in the back door of Murka’s corporations!