Discussion for article #225981
Poor KooKooNellie. First he loses, then the Fourth Circuit strikes down the anti-equality marriage laws in Virginia, now this.
Wouldn’t a list of the GOP Senators who didn’t race bait be a much shorter list?
One wonders how much of a nut-job you have to be to not get attacked from the right. So far I haven’t seen a limit…but you’d think there is one there somewhere.
This is odd. Just yesterday Mo Brooks informed us that Republicans don’t use race to campaign, and now Cooch has listed seven. Thanks, Ken!
It’s so nice that Ken Crotchinelli found a new teat to suckle from. He can still lie without moving his lips too.
What ye sow, so shall ye reap. Republicans wanted the super pacs, and the jungle primary, now they got 'em.
After taking a first class ass whipping, he is back. It is clear he harbors hate for women, minorities and certain elected Republicans. A look of madness in his eyes without the neck tattoo.
He should be on trial in Richmond this day with the McDonnells.
Yeah. How do you make a list with zero entries?
True conservatives don’t use bait. They only use artificial lures.
Da Cootch is outing the Benedict Arnolds on the paleface side of the War on Whitey. This of course will do da Cootch much good in his next election campaign.
Once again Chuck Todd gives a soapbox to a Tea Partier/GOPer who lost an election. Even if it has to do with GOP in-fighting.
So many articles about defiant white supremacists today!
. . . and by “race-baiting,” he means: “allowing Black people to vote for you.”
thRush Limpbow’s Operation Chaos coming back to bite the Teapublicans in the ass.
So that minority outreach thing is now “race-baiting”? This is ridiculous. How anyone who is even remotely paying attention would vote for the GOP is beyond me.
Wait! Republicants and race baiting?
Why is this news?
Poor little Cuchi-cuchi!
Still trying to wring an extra couple of minutes out of his long-expired quarter-hour in the spotlight.
If it weren’t so damned hilarious, it would be pitiful.