Discussion: Kemp Sued Over Georgia's 'Exact Match' Voter Registration Scheme

Time and time again it’s proven that republicans have no use for democracy.
Just an impediment to getting what they want for their corporate pals .
What a certified piece of shit he is


Less than 4 weeks before Election Day? Why didn’t they file in June or July?


Since 10 percent of the 53,000 are white and the rest are minorities, racial profiling is obvious. White people make common mistakes at just about the same rate as the rest of the population. Kemp is just as bad as the white racists who used to require a black citizen recite the constitution word for word before entering their name on the voter rolls. .




Lest we forget this redneck douchebag knuckle-dragging redneck douchebag knuckle-dragging redneck douchebag knuckle-dragging etc. etc. etc.


If you have not read this installment of the voting rights series, then you should. Kemp has kept a voting rights wrecking crew employed for over a decade to strip voting rights and voting access from non-white citizens. He literally uses his office to harass individuals who aim to make the voting population representative of Georgia’s overall population.

In sum, he is a walking-talking piece of Jim Crow excrement.


Some possibilities:
–names were just recently released
–courts want people to first attempt prejudicial procedures for dealing with the matter
–Kemp’s office had previously given the impression that there were only a small number of voters affected

Don’t know if any of those are true and applicable in this case. I didn’t check.



It’s a drive-by shooting. It only works if the attacker strikes without warning, when the victim has too little time to react.

The GOP doesn’t care if the law even holds up in the end. It just has to impact the election.


Actually certain groups probably make mistakes at far different rates. Hispanics more often have hyphenated last names and they might drop the hyphen. Immigrants are often writing their names in English letters which they aren’t that familiar with, particularly Asians, and they probably make mistakes and also, since they don’t sign anything often in English letters, don’t have a consistent style. And much less educated than average people who aren’t super literate are probably highly likely to not replicate the signature on their voter registration form. Young people may be likely to have signatures that are changing over time.

People like me (older white guy) have signed their name probably thousands of times. The muscle movements get encoded into your brain. These are the voters the Republicans want to enfranchise while disenfranchising the rest (except not me).

It’s not like they haven’t figured this out. This is where all these voter disenfranchisement moves, oddly enough all starting immediately after the Supreme Court decided that some provisions of the voter rights act were obsolete, started - within minutes.

When I was a kid I remember learning that Communists (or any similar totalitarian regime) were all about the concept of the results justifying the means, unlike countries like us based on democratic and Enlightenment principles.

That was not true, as we have been seeing for some time.


Don’t forget immigrants with non-English or transliterated names. It’s very common for those names to be spelled differently from time to time. Mohamet, Mohammed, Muhammed. Shafiqul. Shafiq-ul. Shafficool. You spell it one way sometimes, another way another time. You don’t attach significance to the discrepancies because you never did back home and everybody knows who you are in any case.

The deeper point is that the ‘match’ requirement might make sense at the DMV, where the objective is generate an identity document. It makes no sense in the voting context, where the objective is to identify a lawful voter. Someone who impersonates another voter will be, if anything, less likely to misspell the name of the voter being impersonated. How many fraudulent voters in Georgia have been identified by a mismatch? It’s an almost totally random test imported for no good reason.


Excellent. The case should be given priority because of the proximity of the election.


Every poll has Abrams right on the heels of Kemp. These polls would not count people like the 50,000 because they are unlikely voters. Abrams has embarked on an aggressive campaign to get African Americans to vote by mail, which is the most effective way to get around many of the barriers that the Republicans use to stifle voting. Abrams is also making real headway on key issues like education and has a solid lead among independent voters. This election is more than about race or political party. There are issues of substance at play. I think Abrams is going to over perform the polls and win.


This is absolutely the heart of the problem. Roberts’ court knew exactly what it was doing (and who it was helping) when it decided that parts of the Voting Rights Act weren’t “necessary” any more.


Kemp should be disqualified from performing any of the duties of his office for the duration simply because he has that glaring conflict of interest.


Are the GOP scumbags going to bring back grandfather clauses, polls taxes and literacy tests next? These guys are the worst.


So I’d be at risk - my signature has never “stabilized” - it’s always a little different.

In elementary, whether print or cursive, my handwriting homework was never like the example and usually all over the map.


Not to digress too much, but among all of the hurts-your-brain-stupid things about the GOP bogus “voter fraud” measures, this has to be among the stupidest. They all focus on in-person voting, with restrictive voter ID requirements, screwing around with polling places, intimidation on site, etc.

None of that affects mail-in ballots … but if I truly wanted to engage in ballot fraud, the mail-in route would be by far the most attractive.

When you show up to vote in person at the polls, if someone else stood in the booth with you to mark your ballot paper, or checked to see if you voted the way they bribed you to, then other folks might notice. But the same vote, mailed in? Zero transparency, zero authentication.

It simply makes no sense at all to me.

But if that’s the stupid game they choose to play…


GA voter registrars are unable to correctly transcribe a name more complicated than Bubba Ray Jones Jr.
Any potential Kemp recounts will be him looking in the mirror and asking Mr Secretary of State, can we get a little support from you on a recount challenge?

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