He wouldn’t need to resign for that yet though, would he? Not until he was sworn in. It just seems strange to need to resign now rather than next week, or whenever all the counting etc. that he is overseeing is done, if that’s all it is. It’s not just the Governors race that needs to be finalized, either - he oversees all the other ones too.
I’m assuming his resignaton has something to do with the lawsuit about overseeing his own election. But maybe it’s nothing more than reinforcement of his possibly premature claim of victory.
Someone I’ve known since childhood just died from that. Hospital acquired C-Diff as a complication of the hospital-acquired pneumonia complication actually. Ironically she’d been the infection control officer in that same hospital until she retired. I’d seen her a week before and she was feeling great.
Earlier this year I got stuck in the hospital for a couple of days when I developed out-of-the-blue pneumonia (I needed IV antibiotics). I felt perfectly healthy while I was there and it’s the last place I wanted to be - I was actually more worried about picking up a different strain than I was about the one I had.
So anyway, I’m a sure everyone is being super duper extra diligent and that she is in good hands. I just pray it’s as easy a recovery for her as one could hope for.
Glad your bout with pneumonia was treatable, diagnosed early enough obviously. In the last couple of years I’ve been hospitalized for surgery twice, neither was major, not joint replacement. But I didn’t spend more than about 36 hours either time.
Prayers, incantations, loving thoughts, whatever works for each us.
Believe it or not, I got it again about three months later. No hospital this time for some reason, which is good since the first was $4000 after (good) insurance for 48 hours of being the healthiest feeling person the floor, and I’m including the nurses, lol. The downside is long-term effects the strong antibiotics have on my gut.
Me, I personally use pray in the not-to-a-deity way. But I know prayer is very comforting to many who practice it, so I made my peace with being prayed for long ago. Then I had a kind of “a-ha” moment the first time my kid had something happen and I felt helpless to do anything to make it better. It’s what people do when they can’t do anything else. Maybe it’s a Catholic thing to tie it in so closely to both hope and patience and perseverance. I grew up being taught that it’s basically rude to pray for anything more than the strength to endure what is happening.
I don’t pray in the conventional way, but I do hope with all my might that things turn out the way I want them to. And I sure as hell don’t want to be prayed for or to be asked to join in prayer or to have to listen to someone offer up biblical citations.
As the late, great George Carlin said, I pray to Joe Pesci; he looks like a guy who can get things done. In fact, he handled some stuff with my neighbor’s dog that god was having trouble with.
I was thinking pneumonia as a direct result of the broken ribs. That really discourages deep breathing! You have to do it anyway to avoid pneumonia, but it really hurts. I just bone-bruised a rib once and that bugger hurt for months.
Hospitals supply this breathing apparatus, you know the thing I mean? You blow into, a little gizmo rises to show how much breath you’ve used, but if there’s so much pain, you’re not going to breathe deeply.
Um, no. They don’t need any such “irrational declarations.” If necessary, they will simply make it up.
And they will continue to do so, whether or not a single lib says or does a single violent thing.
What keeps the fires burning in the hellish dominion of wingnut propaganda is the addled, reality-divorced personalities that inhabit the hellish dominion of wingnut propaganda.