Oh oh trouble at the Conways.
How bizarre.
Yes. In fact, I’d like to see him take it bending over.
My undergrad was clinical psych and while that’s not fully trained etc., I’m pretty sure George Conway was 100% accurate.
“But you think he shouldn’t respond when somebody, a non-medical professional accuses him of having a mental disorder? You think he should just take that sitting down?”
“Don’t play psychiatrist any more than George should be,” she continued. “You’re not a psychiatrist and he’s not, respectfully.”
Perhaps, then, you’d prefer to read this … or other articles and blogs like it from professionals …
27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President
Bandy X. Lee, M.D., M.Div., Organizer of Yale’s “Duty to Warn” Conference
Thomas Dunne Books
non-medical professional accuses him of having a mental disorder?
I don’t believe in this particular case one needs to be a medical professional to see the very clear extreme mental disorder.
Is tRump going to be Kellyane’s lawyer for the upcoming divorce?
Something Twisted This Way Comes.
BREAKING: “Scientists Reanimate Corpse of Meth Addicted Waffle Hut Waitress.”
A mental health professional would just use appropriate, albeit sometimes difficult-to-understand, terminology to say what we can all see for ourselves from even a casually observant layman’s perspective …
He’s fucking nuts!!!
The jaw drops. The mind reels
So much for family!
Wow! Just WOW!
“How was work today, honey?”
“Oh, I trashed you to the media. How was your day?”
me too …
Just curious, how long has Kelleyanne been having an affair with Trump? It’s the only thing that makes sense.
Madness, sheer madness!
At this point I’m trying to figure out the angle. It’s starting to all feel a bit scripted.
OK. On the chance that she thinks her wedding vows were just worthless vagueries, does she really want her daughters growing up seeing their mother allow their father to be attacked by her employer in public and she does nothing???
I’m not a doctor, but if a guy stumbles onto my porch, collapses into one of the chairs, tells me he doesn’t feel good, and I can see he has an arrow through his head, I’d pass that information along to the 911 dispatcher. Sometimes the problem is that bloody obvious. Trump has NPD. There’s absolutely no question about it.
I always wondered, what if the Conways are working together? They probably do and Trump knows, that’s why he keeps Kellyanne around.