Discussion: Kellyanne Conway On Comey Firing: ‘It’s Not A Cover Up’

Not just the Russians - the god.damned.KGB.


Right, and your makeup isn’t a cover up either.


“OMG, the cable networks are crapping all over my super decisive decision! Kellyanne, get out there, everyone believes you!”

–Quote from the President. For now.


Can you see the rawhide stitches over the hole where her heart was?


It’s true. Why just last night, Donnie was in the Oval Office, praying to Nixon, when Tricky Dick’s ghostly (ghastly?) apparition rose from the floor trailing the smell of brimstone and the embers of hell behind him.

And The Ghost of Richard Nixon said unto Trump:

Don’t pray to me, you dumb motherfucker. At least I wasn’t stupid enough to hire Russians to break into Watergate. Next time, hire fucking American, you cheap-ass gilt fake-billionaire.

Goddamn moron, that’s what you are.

There’s a guy down here in hell, saw a sign that read “Gators seen nearby. Don’t swim here.” Swam there anyway, got himself ate by an alligator. Now he just sits down here, burning in hell like the rest of us, whinging “How could I be so stupid as to get myself et by an alligator?” You wanna pray to someone, Donnie? Pray to that dumbfuck and leave me the hell out of it.

So saith Dick Nixon.


I think you’re right. Deploying Kellyanne is total desperation. Trump is nearly out of tricks.




That’s the thing I’ve been hanging my hat on since 1/20. They may just be too stupid to do the real, long term damage we thought they would.


Of course it’s not Kelly just like you will never be remembered as the official U.S. Government Skank-o-matic.

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I’m thinking Kellyanne, as Danaerys Targarian, Spicer as Tyrion Lannister and Bannon as Varys in ‘The Onion’ version of Game of Thrones


I do. I am.


Kellyanne Conway On Comey Firing: ‘It’s Not A Cover Up’

So in other words, it’s definitely a cover up. Thanks for the confirmation.

“I think you’re looking at the wrong set of facts here,”

Yeah, we know you think we’re supposed to be looking at your “alternative facts” instead. Sorry, no sale.


And Christine O’Donnell is not a witch.

“In fact, the President makes very clear in his letter the fact that Mr. Comey on at least three occasions assured the President that he is not under investigation,” she said in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

They’re like little kids trying to pull the wool over someone’s eyes. “Please excuse Johnny from skool. Johnny didn’t write this, his dad did.”

Principal: Johnny, did you write this?

Johnny: No! No! My DAD did! Look, it says it right there in the fuckin’ letter!

Lord help us.


Again so soon? Trump just let her come up for air…

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Apparently, the Trumpers (ignorant dildos that they are), thought that everyone would be happy about it.

However, since things didn’t go quite according to plan, they have to pull out all the stops. Kellyann gets taken out of cold storage, warmed to operating temperature, and sent off to try to stem the tide.

But she’s so fuckin’ stupid, she actually said the words, “This is not a cover up!” Jesus. Amateurs. Fuckin’ amateurs!


KAC’s comment solidifies the fact that what happened was a cover up. Her alt facts are of no interest to anyone with a brain.


Maybe, except I think of Bannon as being more like Ramsay Snow/Bolton, Spicer as the Reek incarnation of Theon Greyjoy, and Kellyanne as Walder Frey.


I missed all the excitement in real time because I was at a birthday party for our Congressman. Got home and started reading all the recaps and conjectures. Started to get seriously concerned until I saw this. Now my mind is at ease, I can relax and sleep well knowing that firing the FBI Director was “not a cover-up.”

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