Discussion: Kellyanne Conway Acknowledges Trump Is 'Behind' In The Polls

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I hope I never see this haggard crone’s face again after November 8th.


Me thinks that at least those Trump top level employees who still have a conscience will, after election day, elect to take a few weeks/months/years off painting (like GWB did) to try to heal what remains of their tortured souls.

Most of them never had a conscience or a soul to begin with, so to them the day after the election will just be ‘Wednesday’.


She said that Clinton has benefited from high profile surrogates like Bill Clinton, President Obama, and First Lady Michelle Obama.

All quite well respected.

Trump has Scott Baio.


Another advantage of Clinton: not one living GOP former President or nominee for President is supporting Trump.


What next, Kellyanne Conway acknowledges the sky is blue? I understand that with Trump, even that might be news.


Uh oh, all the Trumpers who are yammering that the polls are wrong and that Trump is leading ain’t gonna be happy with Kellyanne.


“We are behind. She has some advantages,” Conway said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Gee, ya think? Let’s unpack that.

  1. Hillary is intelligent.
  2. Hillary is experienced.
  3. Hillary has been endorsed by every major newspaper in the country not owned by Sheldon Adelson.
  4. Hillary hasn’t caused people to flee her campaign like rats choosing to drown rather than cling to a lifeboat.
  5. Hillary isn’t a very real threat to the planet and all its inhabitants.
  6. Hillary isn’t an asshole so huge that it has to be described in terms usually reserved to express astronomical distances.
  7. Hillary doesn’t have skin so thin it is used by Filmetrics for calibration purposes.
  8. Hillary isn’t a molester.
  9. Hillary hasn’t insulted, denigrated and/or threatened virtually everyone in the country not affiliated with a SPLC-recognized hate group.
  10. Hillary’s mother was never reasonably suspected of being screwed by an orangutan.

But other than the aforementioned off-the-cuff reasons, Kellyanne, perhaps there may be a legitimate cause for Hair Fat Ass appearing “behind.”


The election is obviously RIGGED!


I love that they’re trying to sugar coat the reality of Trump losing (as well as pushing the “Reagan was massively behind in A poll and came back to win it!.. so there’s a chance.” Myth)

But this:

“He delivers his own speeches. This is his candidacy. He’s the guy who’s running for the White House, and he has the privilege to say what he wants,” she said.

Yeah it’s not like you’re his campaign manager. The person who’s job it is to prevent the candidate from saying stupid crap like “I’ll use my first 100 days in office for petty, personal revenge.”


Shorter Kellyanne


I hope she got her money up front.

Kinna doubt that she did.


They won’t. They have no soul or self-awareness and live in their own bubble, like most/all of conservatives/republicans. I expect all of them to write tell-all books.


Probably regretting that non-disclosure agreement.
There’s a juicy story there


Today I learned that someone in Trump’s campaign can compare two two-digit numbers and gauge which one is smaller.

Looks like I owe Caitlin $5


“We are behind. She has some advantages,” Conway said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Having Trump as her opponent, for one.


Trump the Uniter!

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Uh-oh, Kellyanne appears to be rigged too.


I’ve never seen a campaign manager subtly disparage her own candidate so often. Did you know he’d threaten the victims? “‘He delivers his own speeches. This is his candidacy. He’s the guy who’s running for the White House, and he has the privilege to say what he wants,’ she said.” She might as well say, “He’s a willful child, and he’s crazy, and I can’t do a damn thing with him at this point.” She’s willing to take his money and further his goals and if he won I suppose that on some level she’d be pleased. But she talks about him in this very nearly openly contemptuous way. It’s remarkable.


Nope. Guessing massive campaign wide NDAs. Though I do expect at least one book to be written by “Anonymous”.