Discussion: Kelly: Trump Only Does Interviews On Hannity, Avoids ‘Unsafe Spaces’ (VIDEO)

She smells the gangrenous rot emanating from FOX news and is angling for a job at CNN.

She’s despicable.


Anyone who pisses off Hannity has my sympathy…


She’s taking shots behind her as she steps out the door.

I think she never really liked Sean… for that matter I doubt anyone really does.


Sean Hannity is a great admirer of him…

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The worst part is that the rest of the MSM grasping for that piece of Donald dutifully repeat the Hannity clips and talking points of scam artist, conman, grifter and general blot on western civilization, Trump as if his pronouncements have some value. The only thing Drumph gets from me is the mute button


she’s better than a lot of the CNN reporters. Basically that feisty young woman with short hair is the only political reporter on CNN worth anything now.


Solidad Brian was good too but obviously too serious and rational for Faux Lite®™


Kelly herself seems to be a kind of posturebot without fixed beliefs or principles; she’s signaling that potential employers can just dial in the exact stance and attitude they need as staffing needs arise and political winds shift. It’s interesting what these trial balloons say about Fox, though. She’d know as well as anyone how much trouble it has and how long a smart cookie should hang around. Lewandowski employer CNN, not much troubled by integrity-oriented fussiness, would probably be a good fit. She’s got proven appeal to a viewership that, judging from the endless stream of ads for expensive medicines, is probably getting up there just like Fox’s.


Hannity: I am not hiring her at Trump-TV.


I only watch Fox when the left has achieved a big win. I liked her the night Obama won in 2012 when she took Rove dog down to the basement where the statistics guys broke the news that reality was not his friend. Other than that I am not sure I could stomach her in even small regular doses. I do hope that Ture reporter gets the rewards she deserves for following pig boy around all year listening to his offensive yammering.


The point of this little poke at Hannity’s pet rock is Donny boy can only have sex with girls. Kelly knows Donny boy wilts in front of women, and is letting him know that she knows.

“Donald Trump, with all due respect to my friend at 10:00,"

Back in the day, some women used to refer to their period as “my friend.” Of course, I am in no way saying that Sean Hannity should be compared to menstrual cramps.


And Sean insHannity’ was freaking out on twitter:

Food Fight at FUX News! :joy:

It quiet clear that Kelly (whose moral core, btw, would be almost as hard to find as that of ignoramus Hannity) is positioning herself to exit that Rightie misogynistic and GOP propaganda cesspool at FOX and head for a spot at a legitimate news gathering organization.


At this point in the campaign both candidates should be expected to do all they can to make sure their encounters with the press are favorable. Hillary really needs to appear on the late night and the daytime soft talk shows because they have relatively large audiences and she needs show herself as human. The last thing she needs is some “journalist” asking pointed questions about her email server. It is far better for her to talk about healthcare on The View or her grandchildren on The Talk.

Trump is in the same position except he lacks the discipline to not say something absolutely appalling in response to any softball question from a reporter.

All in all you can’t blame either campaign for staying away from journalists or anyone in the infotainment business who pretends to be a journalist.

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If she does, Fox is done. She is their biggest star.

~fingers crossed!~ :slight_smile:


I love a good Derp Fight in the morning. Makes the coffee and cig more enjoyable.


Hard to take FOX News “journalists” seriously.

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SOunD lIke she’s Got Her pAnties iN a twisT because TrumP would Rather deal with seRious journalists Like hannitY in favor of Eye candy Boobs newsReader whose ass is getting fat, by the way.