Discussion for article #234470
“…there are Muslims that want to treat women as second-class citizens, there are those who want to use our freedoms to undermine the freedoms of others.”–Jindal
There are also Christianists who want to treat women as second-class citizens and want to use our freedoms to undermine the freedoms of others (read: homosexuals). Whatcha gonna do about them, Bob?
“It makes no sense to let those types of folks come into our country.”–Jindal
They’re already here, Bob.
Jindal wants to act like a religious bigot without sounding like a religious bigot and it can’t be done.
That’s why what he is saying sounds all wishy washy, and does not make a lot of sense.
“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.[2]”
The citizenship oath is pretty comprehensive and any one who can take it without mental reservation should be admitted. It might be well though to let them know the degree to which the Constitution supports freedom of speech.
He sounds like a babbling high school junior who did not do the reading assignment - but has a vague idea about the content - and is trying to discuss it without saying anything that might end up being incorrect.
Jindal said that “you have the right to believe what you want as long as you’re not harming others, so as long as you’re not trying to limit the freedoms of other people.”
So much for the Republican party nationally and in most states.
I’ve never really felt like Jindal is a fit for Louisiana, first off. Then his battles seem to be a bit off the mark considering what he is, an Indian American, and that his family are immigrants.
Indians practice many religions including, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and yes, Islam.
Piyush Jindal seems to be a bit of a self loather. He can keep up his shtick about fearing Islamists but he can’t hide from what he plainly is and sees in the mirror every morning.
He did get elected Governor of a southern state being Piyush Jindal, he should stick with what works and not branch out into the dark world of hate.
Jindal’s got zero chance in the RNC nomination contest; I’d be not just a little surprised if he’s even within the top ten in any state other than his own (and I’m not sure about that).
So, why bring him onto Fox in the first place?
What it looks like herfe is that the only purpose is to feed Ailes’ determination to have Kelly seem to have a kind of newish gravitas, as Fox tries to build a viewership that’ll survive BillO’s demise.
Step right up folks, we’ve got us a real, honest-to-goodness “Anchor Baby” here!
Born on June 10, 1971, Jindal’s parents came to the states about 6 months before he was born!
“Jindal was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to Amar and Raj Jindal, immigrants from Punjab, India, who came to the U.S. six months before he was born.”
From Wiki
Another infamous Republican “Anchor Baby” is Michelle Malkin!
“Malkin was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Philippine citizens Rafaela (née Perez) – a homemaker and teacher – and Apolo DeCastro Maglalang, who was then a physician-in-training.[1] Several months prior to Malkin’s birth, her parents had immigrated to the United States on an employer-sponsored visa…” From Wiki
Both of these takers, now want to the door shut on anyone else!
Or how about this post story about Jeb, his wife and their their lovely connection with her family!
"Why didn’t Columba Bush speak to her father for the last 40 years of his life?
“Maybe the fame? The money?” she said, sitting on an old couch under a figurine of a bloodied, crucified Christ.
Antonio Garnica RodrĂguez, 77, Columba Bush’s uncle, her father’s last living sibling, said it hurt his brother “a lot, in a big way, because they never allowed him to see his grandchildren.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/columba-bush-family-story-116169.html#ixzz3UpuyDd7z
What’s the common thread between these three, they’re all Republicans and don’t want anymore immigrants coming to the states!
Watching Jindal strain and struggle for relevance is just painful. He literally has zero chance as a politician on a national stage.
Piyush Jindal seems to know an awful lot about radical Islam. I’m thinking he’s a plant, an Indian fruit possibly.
“You don’t have the right to come here and say, for example, that you think women should be treated as second class citizens,” he said.
Unless you are a Republican Presidential Candidate, then it’s just GREAT.
“In these ones the self-loathing lies”
Jindal said that “you have the right to believe what you want as long as you’re not harming others, so as long as you’re not trying to limit the freedoms of other people.”
he forgot to mention the gay wedding cake and pregnant lady exemption.
While Jindal is grandstanding in his hopeless campaign, don’t forget he has de facto abandoned his job as Louisiana governor. Louisiana is in a dire financial condition, and Jindal is a modern day Nero blithely unconcerned. Unless you live in Louisiana, you have no idea of the loathing the people have for this disgrace of a governor.
This is the Governor of a U.S. state, and he clearly doesn’t understand the First Amendment. What a sad time we live in.
When it comes to purging this country of believers/purveyors of religious oppression, I am all for it.
This man could never be elected without the plutocrats that control the political machine and his reliance on one of the least educated electorates in America.Why would anyone outside of LA give a rip about anything he has to say?
It’s not about him; it’s about the brand. As long as he’s willing to be a fig-leaf for the corrupt bigotry of the Republican machine, Fox news can say, straight-faced, that the Republican Party is not a party of rich, racist, old white men, but actually looks like “America”.