Discussion: Keillor: Minnesota Public Radio Did Not Fully Investigate Allegations

I want the number of your dealer.

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Ever seen legal fees? And what happened to innocent until proven guilty?


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No, I have not.

But you have failed basic thinking.

Please do not interfere with the ongoing witch hunt.
You’ll harsh Gillibrand’s buzz.

Women themselves dislike a lot of stuff that is deemed acceptable by others. We’re going to keep disliking it regardless of how others feel about it. But the power Gillibrand’s voice might have had is being diminished by the minute because she’s been deemed the wrong voice.

I agree, and I believe that’s a justifiable position.

Gillibrand has made herself the wrong voice by being judgmental and rigid.
Those are not qualities that are popular with most Democrats.

I am happy that the issue of sexual aggression is being discussed.
It’s way late for it to happen.
But we are making a huge mistake if we treat every instance as being equal, and that is her biggest error.

And as you have pointed out, Gillibrand has a very large ax to grind.
That also makes her the wrong voice.

But don’t for a minute believe that I oppose in any way a rational discussion and a thorough exploration of the issue.
I’m all for it—just not without due process and definitely without the prudery and puritanical certitude.

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Area code?

This has been going on for many, many years,I’m 70, I know. But all you have to see what Anita Hill went through with 20!!! male Senators about that Supreme Court Judge. And that was many, many years ago. And that’s why I’ve an angry smile when I hear people(and I use that word loosely), why did these women wait sooo long to …


The groin area

I’m a woman in her 60s who’s been groped and had other inappropriate things happen in the course of my life. I became a feminist as a teenager in the 60s. I’m really happy that the #MeToo movement is finally giving women a voice, and hopefully making men aware of what we’ve endured for time immemorial.

That said, your comment isn’t too far off the mark. I’m seeing a lot of piling on and man-bashing in addition to what are no doubt legitimate accusations. I’d like to see more discussions about where to draw the line over (dare I say it) relatively minor incidents that happened years ago, and the unmistakably coercive behavior exhibited by quite a few men in the past and present.


For the most part I agree with your posts on the subject. However, I have a problem with calling someone a liar. Rather, they are unsubstantiated accusations.

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But that’s the problem. Our culture has been complicit in turning a blind eye and allowing the behavior to go on, allowing a lot of men to act like…er, dickweeds.

Sorry, I fail to see how that photo is in any way relevant.

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I’m starting to see suggestions that he run again in 2018. I think that’s a great idea. Let the voters of Minnesota decide! By then, things might have cooled down.

You know, you’re rapidly becoming my favorite commenter.

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She may have orchestrated the calls for resignation. Somebody certainly did.

Thank you for bringing up Anita Hill! What a travesty that was.

Aw, shucks. :blush: Very kind of you. It’s a great bunch and I’m just glad to be part of the conversation.

Sorry, but I don’t have the patience to explain it.

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