That was my take too, hey I didn’t buy the beer, the beer was provided at parties in private homes, so therefore I didn’t break the law.
That’s true - but I still think they could have more of the point that it was illegal for him to drink the beer no matter who bought it.
Well when someone buys you beer it would be= antisocial, disagreeable, discourteous, ill-mannered, impolite, rude, sullen, surly, uncivil, unfriendly, unkind, unmannerly not to drink what they provided.
I agree and disagree with both of you. Yes, Dems should have been better prepared. Yes, they could have pushed back harder
The Dems were between a rock (must respect him as we respected her, Grassly harped on this often) and a hard place of getting the answers. Sen Hiro was the best example, maybe Harris as second best.
BK is toast, either now or later. He won’t survive the weekend politically. This under-age drinking thing could be the last straw for the swing votes, it needs to be FLOGGED out there today!
Call, text, fax or fart-contact your reps and insist that this issue be raised!!!
It was far easier to get fake ids, for one thing. Older friends would buy for younger friends. There was often someone who’d buy a case for a six-pack of his own.
The least drunk person drove.
Which teenagers don’t know the law on drinking age whether they flout it or not? The hyper privileged private school kids whose lives are so insulated from the world that they never ever even imagined getting challenged on their right to drink.
Anybody know the legal age to drink in CT, when he was a freshman?
He lied. He was NOT of legal age. He knew he was breaking the law then, and he knows it now!
It’s the repeatedly lying that bothers me.
Ladies and gentlemen, an eyewitness to the culture of the time!
(Pssst, it was like that in ‘78, ‘88, ‘98…) why is anyone arguing this common knowledge?
The change brings the Connecticut law full circle since 1972, when the state lowered the drinking age to 18 from 21. The drinking age was raised to 19 in 1982 and to 20 in 1983. Under the new law, those who turn 20 by Sunday will be allowed to continue drinking legally.
So, Kavanaugh was either:
- Drinking illegally as a freshman and sophomore at Yale
- Teetotaling for two years, when he loves beer so much.
Which do WE think happened?
I lived in MA when the drinking age was raised. Unless one was comatose, it was crystal clear no one got grandfathered. Every state in a similar situation made sure of that.
He should be laughed off the bar for that whopper.
I wondered whether lying about drinking might be a sign of alcoholism. I found these warning signs, “Experiencing temporary blackouts or short-term memory loss
Exhibiting signs of irritability and extreme mood swings
Making excuses for drinking such as to relax, deal with stress or feel normal” on this site:
I think he has (or has had) drinking “issues”
It is much worse than merely being unfit to serve as a federal judge. Lying to Congress is a felony. He repeatedly lied to Congress about being old enough to legally drink. That makes him a felon. If I had done that I would be charged with that felony, convicted, and be forever designated as a convicted felon. Kavanaugh will not be charged, but will be rewarded for committing that felony by being made a Supreme Court justice. Clearly, laws don’t apply if your parents have enough money, and you are a Republican.
In the 1990’s I worked for a community development program in West Philadelphia. We would have terrific conversations with members of the local community and groups of volunteers, many coming to do service projects from colleges & churches on the Main Line.
During one of these exchanges, some Haverford/ Bryn Mawr students were complaining about the police failing to call the campus security before approaching underage students who were drinking at parties in the town. Inner city Philadelphia residents were shocked and disgusted to hear that the police were in the habit of making courtesy calls before rounding up students, because it was/is so different in their neighborhoods. One of the take-aways from this was that on the Main LIne the police were servants of the residents, while in the inner city residents were at the beck and call of the Police. And seeing how that privilege continues across generations, and into the very heart of our public institutions is very disheartening!
When I first saw him on TV and saw his facial coloration I suspected he was a habitual drunk. Now, it seems obvious that I was correct. I suspect if I lived in that area of the USA, and was willing to wander on the street I would find him sitting against a building in an alley with a quart of beer in his hands. As he said repeatedly, he really has a thing for beer.
I coulda swore I saw Lindsey throwing a tantrum right next to them.
You are right, and this is an important point. He could not have been mistaken. Every kid near the drinking age knows the cutoff. The fact he drank isn’t really the worst part. It is that he repeatedly, and without fear of being called on it, lied about the legality. Just like he lied about other things. His willingness to lie to support his position directly applies to the position he will be holding (let’s not kid ourselves that he won’t be confirmed).
Myabe one of the questions should have been “At what age did you start sneaking drinks from your parent’s liquor cabinet?”