Discussion: Kavanaugh Questioned On 2017 Speech Referencing Roe Dissent

Only a fool would trust this man not to overturn Roe if the opportunity arose.


If Collins believes his claim that Roe is settled law, this ought to make her sit up and take notice. Murkowski has not to my knowledge stated whether or not she supports Kavanaugh. Both need to take a hard look at these hearing, this man is slimy.

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Rehnquist was an evil sht. And a lying misogynist who would twist the facts and logic to get whatever result he wanted. (I didn’t come to this decision politically, but rather in an undergraduate course on constitutional law where the textbook featured a bunch of his opinions and dissents. The asshlery just oozed from his words.) So anyone taking that man as a lodestone for his judicial principals, well.

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Well since Kavanaugh referred to birth control drugs as abortion inducing drugs then yessiree he will overturn Roe v. Wade.


sarandon won’t have to worry about it will she

And make no mistake, it will arise. There are cases in the hopper as we speak in order to make that happen.

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