Discussion: Kavanaugh Grilled About Comments About Special Prosecutors

If an Obama SCOTUS nominee had been only 1% as evasive as Kavanaugh is, they would have been tarred, feathered, and lynched in the first half-hour of the hearing.


“…that was my view in 1998” - WTF does that even mean?


Truth is different now than it was in 1998.

Rudiculous Guiliani

It means it was my view in 1998, and it will be my view once again immediately after these hearings are over.


Damn. Check this out. Leahy jumped into Hatch’s mentions and smacked his lying old ass upside the head. Never seen anything like this.


Well isn’t that interesting?

Kavanaugh said he was “overreading” the opinion and that he had not taken a position on the constitutional questions Coons was raising about special counsels.

So, if he HAD taken a position, he would have invoked nominee precedent on not commenting on pending litigation or on litigation that might come before him to not share that position…as he did over and over and over.

Translation: Let me check with my handlers and then I can say that I can’t comment.


I keep flashing on Church Lady: well, isn’t that special!


Orrin Hatch is the worst Senator in my lifetime. He was a craven partisan from Day One and deserves to burn in Hell, if there is a Hell. He was last caught trying to foist and credential Rob Porter, a member of his religion, into a national political career and was a full participant in intimidating Porter’s Mormon ex-wives from speaking out about Porter’s criminality and spousal beating. Not a month ago, he stereotyped and defamed as ethically lax and criminal all of the various ethinicities that comprise NYC’s population and cultural milieu and this pardoned Donald Trump for being a sociopath and compulsive scumbag, because, who can blame him,coming from that “Slam Bang” culture of NYC with all those Jews and Puerto Ricans and Black Folks, I mean its a fucking miracle that Donald Trump isnt some type of serial sexual predator or something…ooops…on top of being the unethical sleazy con man that he is.

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Sadly, I cannot agree with the first sentence. Maybe I’m just older than you. I mean, James Inhofe, Jesse Helms, Strom Thurman, Ron Johnson, Jeff Sessions, the six senators who outed themselves as Russian assets by going to Moscow for the 4th of July …


I think as bad as they have all been, none has cast as long a shadow and accomplished as much evil as Orrin Hatch. I had to gag when he got to speak at Muhammed Ali’s funeral/memorial service. Because I am absolutely certain that Hatch and his entire parish were outraged when Ali became a Black Muslim and refused to serve in the Army (even though Hatch himself never served). And his racism was proudly re-asserted just a week ago by classifying all of NYC’s various ethnicities as “Slam Bang” illegal unethical cultures. Jesse Helms was never as effective as Hatch, as evil as he was. And in the end, Jesse Helms became a caricature of the prudish school marm shocked by Serrano’s Piss Christ, but a lifetime virulent racist who serenaded Carolyn Mosely Braun with Dixie her first day in office. BTW, Hatch won the Senate by raising his incumbent opponent’s 18 years in the Senate as a detriment, and running on Term Limits. Lot of fucking nerve to still be there after that rhetorical launch. Like I told him in an email, I am just too young to have been conscious of or witnessed Joe McCarthy. So, Orrin Hatch is the worst Senator in my lifetime. By accomplishment and by sheer longevity living off the taxpayer.

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Well, he’d definitely a contendah, no question. But, damn. Jesse Helms. And damn, Mitch fucking McConnell, how did I leave him out of the “accomplished as much evil” contest?