Discussion: Kathy Griffin Apologizes For Gruesome Trump Photo: 'I Went Way Too Far'

Holt shit and I though Kathy looked scarey giving her apology!

Thank god he didn’t publicly post the picture holding the elephant’s dick!

He probably only brings it out on special occasions.

I’m going with this one. I have more, including an unaugmented werewolf ummm…specimen.


Tad heavy on the shopping there.


I kinda liked it, but I have a high melting point.

As much as I despise Trump, Kathy Griffin crossed a line and ceded any and all moral high ground to opposing and standing firm against Trump’s hateful and violent rhetoric.

Way to go you stupid fucking idiot.

Welp. New Year’s Eve just got better. CNN canned her.

On to the next stupid story…

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Sorry but no.

We can’t rightfully call out hateful and violent rhetoric that leads to racist freaks stabbing people to death on a commuter train because people stood up to his hate speech directed at two young teens, one of who was wearing a hijab.

What Griffin did was fucked up, wrong and making excuses or minimizing it because we loath the person she was mock-decapitating does’t fly.

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There was penny of rightful outrage by us at those. So let’s not be hypocrites.

Then you are no better than Trump supporters and hate-mongering assholes who incite people to stab others on trains.

Way to go.

Tad heavy? Oh, the picture.
Because I don’t do it, I’ll take your word for it.
Maybe the werewolf one I have is shopped, too.

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And that is why we are better than them.

Again, that is why we are better than them.

this is the original

Also the way-too-light shadows are a tell.


Heavens! I hope Barron doesn’t hear the 'tic-tac, grab them by the pussy" tape… that would ruin him.

Griffith gruesome Trump photo = disrespectful and immature. I don’t care a bit for Trump, but that is ridiculous.

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They’ll make fake controversies that everyone outside of their base will see as insanity. That just weakens them further, see how Sean Hannity is losing advertisers as he doubles down on the tin foil of Seth Rich conspiracy. Better to let them produce their own fake ammo that backfires than hand them something they can actually use.

if you want to spite the grassroots by shunning Sanders, (And conveniently ignore how his candidates are winning local and state elections that don’t get reported because they aren’t House races or got blown because Perez’s handwringing.) go ahead. You’re only doing the bidding of Trump acting like that.

I wonder if Malia and Sasha had a “hard time” with images of their father being lynched? I’m no fan of Griffin but I refuse to expend one brain cell being offended over this. I don’t care.


I have to confess, the attitude by way too many here being adamantly “non-offended” by this, is truly disheartening. I honestly thought almost everyone here was better than those we rightfully call-out for their hateful and violent rhetoric and actions.

Sad to see I was wrong.

You’re unaware that “right wing media outlets” blatantly lie about facts constantly?


Well I don’t think Griffin should have done this, but Barron needs to get out more, or switch to a less age appropriate video game.

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