Discussion for article #241510
I don’t think this was just an issue of sexism, although I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have made that stupid reference to Taylor Swift to a male student. It’s also the insufferable smugness some older people have towards young adults (yes, full disclosure; I’m an old broad, I’ve seen it in my “peers”). While I’m pretty sure that Kasich (and ANY Rethug) isn’t getting the youth vote anytime soon, to talk down to potential voters like this is really not a good plan of action.
"I’m sure you get invited to all of the parties,”
Hey, aren’t you a model?
This guy.
I’m not sure what the news is here. Yeah, it’s generally sexist and demeaning, but that is pretty much required by the GOP platform.
At what point did he drop his mic and walk off stage?
Right after he called on the Mexican jumping bean.
Republican presidential candidate and Ohio Gov. John Kasich reportedly told a female student at the University of Richmond Monday that he was sure she was invited “to all the parties” …
After which, Gov. Kasich followed up with his own invitation, “Hey, baby, join my party. I’ll show you my voting lever.”
This is the Sane One.
Jesus … and he’s supposed to be one of the more “adult” Republican candidates?
Doesn’t hurt to show that Conservatives keep providing new evidence of their sexist cluelessness.
How condescending, the GOP really is out of touch with reality, even the semi-normal ones like Kasich. Anyone who things the GOP can lead this country are delusional.
I’m sure she got over it. A babe is a babe. Geez Louise.
Smoking hot piece of ass who we all wished was wearing a teddy at last night’s Kasich rally responds to Kasich’s response to her question.
“Several 2016 hopefuls have made offensive comments about women including…”
…Carly Fiorina.
But not the Republican Party.
'Cause as we all know, girls just wanna have fun…
Fucking losers. Carson and Jindal’s victim shaming, Trump and Kasich’s sexism, etc, bespeak how on the ropes this stupid group of asswipes really must be. I can’t believe candidates with any actual confidence would stoop to such petty, petulant, and snide bullshit as these comments.
Don’t do drugs instead Shut Up and Dance With Me.