Ahh yes, the only adult who was on stage at the Republican debates.
Portman just got re elected. He doesn’t give a shit about anything else. Go pound sand John.
Maybe an adult, but a liar none the less. Obamacare was a bipartisian bill. Hell, the entire thing was based on Romneycare.
“From Day One, and up until today and into tomorrow, I do not support Obamacare. I never have, and I believe it should be repealed.”—Kasich, October 2014
And he’s silently screwing around with Ohioans’ insurance right now
Two-faced ferret.
The write-up of Obamacare wasn’t bipartisan?! I seem to remember Repubs being allowed to submit amendments through months of PUBLIC hearings. And for chrissakes, “Obamacare” was based on an idea out of the Heritage Foundation and implemented by Romney in MA! Yes, passage of the bill got NO Repub votes, but dare I say that had to do with the color of the man’s skin who was sitting in the WH. Kasich is a jerk and not the reasonable Repub the media narrative is trying to make him out to be.
Governor, the BCRA IS bipartisan. It tries to accomodate conservative and non-conservative Republicans.
And that’s why it’s going to go down in flames.
The way I read Kasich’s message is that he is going to run against Trump in 2020 and wants to be seen as “bipartisan”. He’s certainly a more reasonable guy that anyone else the Rs have elevated to a position of importance, but he still falls victim to the same nonsense that forms the core of the GOP message.
To wit, his assertion that Obamacare needs to be “repealed and replaced” because it didn’t get R votes in Congress is completely disingenuous because the Rs withheld their votes after extracting concession after concession for politics alone. The Ds will not engage in this partisan effort because they oppose the R policy and political maneuvering at its core.
The cost of entry of D participation in any effort in an R-controlled Congress is R open admission that their opposition to ACA was politically motivated and not because it was bad policy. That includes Kasich despite his willingness to call out his own party for bad policy. Obamacare wasn’t perfect, but it provided a lot of people with peace of mind to receive care without going broke, it didn’t kill the economy as the Rs proclaimed it would (in fact, it likely helped with lots of good-paying healthcare jobs), and ACA would have been better if the Ds had gotten more of the policy items they wanted such as a public option and the ability of states to use the money for a single-payer system if it suited them.
So now it is just politics and anything that gets the Rs cooking in the fires of their own making is fine with me. Pass it and get crushed in the midterms. Or don’t pass it and get crushed in the midterms. Thanks JK for giving us Ds a great talking point!! You still don’t get my vote in 2020.
I’m just trying to figure out what game of “11-dimensional chess” Mitch McConnell is playing. I trust him and his motivations as far as I could pick him up and throw him. I will guarantee that in the end, none of this will be his fault. And I agree with others, this is a shot across the bow of the 2020 Republican Presidential nomination. Good luck, Governor Kasich, we’re all counting on you.
No 11th dimensional chess by McConnell this time, this is Desperation Samba. He’s cornered and knows he can’t force this like he has always done before. Unchartered territory for him and not, thankfully, his forte.
Dear Governor Kasich,
Repeal and replace is no longer an option. The ACA works -Medicaid expansion in your own state is a testament to it. Improve and promote the ACA should be your battle cry.
Mitch may still pull this off but as of now it seems the odds are against it. His own caucus is too fractured with the patholgically cruel faction of it coming into clearer view. The Republicans do not seem to know how to be the governing party. As well, the WH is not helping with Trump’s get it done or else attitude.
Wow, this guy really believes he can become President. It’s kind of cute, actually.
Republican governors shamelessly took credit for the Obama era recovery and economic growth, but they are well aware that they will in the same way be blamed for any Republican failed policies now.
Like most people you really don’t understand that the program under the greatest attack in this repeal and replace bill is not ObamaCare. The real target is Medicaid. That is where all the money is. That is why all three of the TrumpCare bills have barely touched the provisions cutting Medicaid (a little playing around the edges but nothing really and if anything the Senate bills make things worse.) The attack on Medicaid, and not just expanded Medicaid, is why the public will never get behind any of the Trump repeal and replace bills. Medicaid is the largest health care funding vehicle in America. The idea has been we can cut Medicaid and nobody will care because poor people don’t have any clout, but the money going to Medicaid keeps thousands of nursing homes in operation and does so much more. At some point millions of middle class people realized that if Medicaid is slashed they are going to have to make room in their homes for their bedfast grandma or grandpa. They don’t like that one bit.
McConnell is probably the one politician Trump hasn’t turned on and trashed. YET
I don’t think he has the votes or can get them at this point in time. I think he’ll be forced to work with Dems or just plain fail. Who knows? Certainly not I, but that’s what it looks like to me.
And you know they hate each other. Just reciprocal useful tools.
So Corky, you moron, you are worried about the deficit, do you even understand it? Corker is such an idiot. Corky, if you want to pay down the deficit, how do you do that by cutting your only income source? You can’t cut your way to a balanced budget, even your dumbass should know that by now. If you don’t then why don’t you ask a few of those GOP governors that tried? You can start in Kansas.
And he sticks with the “repeal and replace” rhetoric rather than attempting bipartisanship by opening up the possibility of fixing the existing ACA.
It’s important to remember just how much it will cost the health insurance marketplace to revise their existing software, processes, operations, e-portals, etc. to accommodate a “new” healthcare plan from the feds. Implementing the ACA was expensive and time-consuming. Redoing all of that just so that 'pubs can claim they got rid of O’care is not going to bode well in the industry.