yes a govt show down might work if done right…ok please go ahead and try it… in the words of president Obama…please proceed
I think you are right concerning Walker. He is failing his Koch money audition very badly, and I suspect the purse strings are going to be tightened pretty soon as a result.
His over all strategy seemed to have been “if all the other candidates have a fatal flaw, Vote Walker”. That just isn’t viable in such a crowded field, and Walker has played it to the hilt. His multiple retractions have essentially been “yeah, me too”, trying to be on every side of every issue.
Rubio is being kept pristine for the most part, largely because he is being ignored for now. His official policies are die hard establishment dogma, however, with a young pretty Hispanic face on them, so if someone is thinking of jumping the Bush ship, he would probably be acceptable. Particularly to neocons.
Kasich’s problem I feel is he DOES sound too moderate for this season. Not as bad as Huntsman, but the base is much more rabid this year than they were in 2012. Plus, he doesn’t have a sugar daddy in the wings, and no where near the warchest Bush has.
“I don’t like that kind of comment out of a Press Secretary from the White House. It’s just not the way you can do things in this country, just dismiss the Congress,” Kasich said. “That’s just not the way to handle things. Let me tell you, if he was my spokesman, and he said something like that, he would be in my office, and I would tell him, ‘Don’t you ever talk like that again.’”
Then it’s a bloody good thing for this fine nation that you, Gov Kasich will never, ever be POTUS!
I remember what this PRICK did to us in 1995. We had to work 5 weeks from Thanksgiving till the New Year and NOT GET PAID.
Coworkers had to tell their kids that there was no Christmas that year.
We all had to borrow on our credit cards to pay bills, pay rent and buy groceries while assholes like Kasich made sure they got their paychecks.
The tenth circle of hell is too good for this creep and his fellow RadiKKKal RepubliKKKans!
“I don’t like that kind of comment out of a Press Secretary from the White House. It’s just not the way you can do things in this country, just dismiss the Congress,” Kasich said. “That’s just not the way to handle things. Let me tell you, if he was my spokesman, and he said something like that, he would be in my office, and I would tell him, ‘Don’t you ever talk like that again.’”
What’s wrong with his comments? This Congress will shut down the government if they get mayo instead of mustard on their ham sandwich Can’t take them seriously at all.
I agree. I still think we can win but if he ends up being the nominee, it could be a problem especially if the voters think a new face and party would be a good thing.
He was also managing director at Lehman Brothers during their 2008 meltdown.
Yep. They work great at reminding the public that the government is a critical part of our functioning as a society, and helps get Democrats who are actually interested in governing responsibly, elected.
So please proceed GOP, go for a shut-down.
Why this hasn’t been blared out in the media and killed off his campaign is beyond me.
It’s interesting that prior to 1980, the government did not shut down if Congress couldn’t pass spending resolutions; they simply kept going at the previous year’s funding levels until an agreement was reached. Most, though not all states, work that way as well. It was an opinion of Carter’s Attorney General that all non-essential work must stop, but this opinion has never been affirmed in court. Given the increasing frequency and cost of these shutdowns, Obama should test this by keeping the government open.
He was basically making the point that the GOP is incapable of doing their even most basic jobs unless they are under maximum threat, are passing blatant partisan legislation or are being massively helped out by Dems
apparently his campaign slogan will be “The GOP is virtually incapable of governing - elect the GOP”
I guess Gingrich has some sort time-disorder and/or election result amnesia. The GOP lost seats in the House in 1996 and 1998 and the GOP caved on the budget which is what resulted int he balanced budgets (along with the tech boom fueled by the development of the internet).
Great question.
When Kasich slipped in to the first debate, I suspected this.
Besides his I.Q. seems to be over 100, disfavouring Jeb.
And Florida is not an early state next year. It’s on March 15. And Texas,which is usually in May,is on Super Tuesday(March 1st) next year.
And Walker can’t tell you what he’s gonna do because he isn’t President and that’s a hypothetical.
As far as either Gingrich or Kasich are concerned, they retained their majority in the house in spite of their roles in the shutdown. Now no one (yet) in the media or with the pundits will call them on the fact that they didn’t get most of what they wanted from the budget agreements, but their defense will be that failure isn’t really on them.