Well, you certainly have less in the “what you have” category.
"Nobody has ever done more with less in the history of politics," Kasich said,adding, "and we didn't have much money to work with, either."
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How will he mess this up
Donald Trump
Don Jr
Eric Trump
Reince Preibus
Dan Gilbert. (who is likely. wondering. where did he put that comic sans font)
I needz some ian Hunter (edit) now.
Must be all this energy calling me
Having visited the Gowanus Canal after a rainstorm, I can describe what, somewhat like cream, rises to the top.
Now Gov. Kasich can get back to the business of making Ohio a shittier place to live.
“Nobody has ever done more with less in the history of politics,” Kasich said…
Just like the Kardashians in the history of entertainment!
“Nobody has ever done more with less in the history of politics,” Kasich said,
(Sticks tongue firmly in cheek, fumbles with scratch piece of paper and scribbles)
Thanks John, I need that quote for future reference.
On second thought I don’t think I would have phrased it in exactly that way.
maybe now he can save up some money and get a decent haircut.
“Nobody has ever done more with less in the history of politics,”
I don’t think that comes across the way that he’s intending.
Yes, the press really gave him a free pass on what an awful, regressive Governor he is. Didn’t fit the narrative, I guess.
“Nobody has ever done more with less in the history of politics,”
“I had nothing; no food or water, I stood atop a hill and took two big stones and gnashed them with my teeth! People heard. People came. By the time I was done, those stones were little more than gravel strewn across my naked feet. People heard my message, though I had nothing, nothing. Had I had more stones I could have made a bigger noise, a just and holy noise, and God and Jesus would have shown America that I am a true leader of men and nations. Alas but I had only two stones. Two humble stones. It is with a heavy heart that I must cast those stony fragments aside, for I have renewed faith, deeper faith, that the Lord will show me the way forward, and fulfill the purpose of my life.”
That’s fitting of a true man of John Kasich’s stature!
Nobody has ever done less with less. Hard to imagine how that happens with the Lord guiding him.
I’ll say.
And the Lord said, “Vote for the misogynist.”
Nobody has ever done more with less? I disagree:
Why, I seem to recall a cat also winning a local election in Berkeley, CA back in the mid 90’s, and that’s prior to the internet and all that cat popularity therein.
Do you get the impression that his financial backers sent him a text this morning that said “We have poured the last dollar into the rat hole that is your campaign. You’re done.”
“Nobody Has Ever Done More With Less In The History Of Politics.”
“We lived in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We’d get up at three o’clock in the morning, lick the road clean with our tongues, eat a handful of cold gravel, and go work at the mill twenty-nine hours a day, for tuppence a month. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt – if we were LUCKY!”
While I find this fact disgusting, the “Nobody has ever done more with less” line applies much more aptly to Trump.
No more soup for you!
To be fair, it was a long question.