Discussion for article #227263
Take KKK to court. The publicity around the issue is good either way. The GOP is under a national full court press.
Nice try, douchebag.
Even if they force this, have the Dem candidate run ads saying DO NOT VOTE for me, DO NOT VOTE for Roberts, vote for Orman.
How does he have the time to be Secretary of State while he’s involved in so many immigration lawsuits??
Running scared just a little Kris?
Kobach read from the relevant Kansas law, specifically the provision that states a candidate must declare their incapacity to serve if elected.
All he has to say is, “I don’t give a rat’s ass” and tell them to fuck off.
This has a “no-take backsies” feel too it. Lame.
Seems like Kobach and Roberts have struck a “corrupt bargain” to lie to the voters right on the ballot.
And BTW, all this little hissy fit will do is expand Orman’s already hefty amount of potential voters. It’s not a smart move. At all.
Remember the good ol’ days when the Republicans at least tried to hide their lies in word salads? Now it seems they have no problem with flat out lying!
Taylor should legally move out of state. That would legally make him incapable of serving.
It really doesn’t matter for he won’t run a campaign and will tell Democrats not to vote for him
“Hi. I’m Chad Taylor and I approve this message. The REPUBLICAN Secretary of State, Kris Kobach is so scared that an INDEPENDENT might beat the UNPOPULAR ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICAN that he is willing TO RIG THE RACE. Why are REPUBLICANS afraid of INDEPENDENTS? Why do they HATE INDEPENDENT voters? What are they so afraid of? I URGE all of my supporters to vote for Greg Orman to stop THE REPUBLICANS from CHEATING THE PEOPLE OF KANSAS.”
I agree to some extent. But too many voters are on auto-pilot and will simply pick from who is on the ballot by party name.
Desperation move. They need a three way race to keep Roberts from losing, and they know it.
Lying sack of shit tries desperately to salvage the floundering campaign of another lying sack of shit by lying about the State Law that he is supposed to uphold.
News at 11.
Everyone is stampeding in that direction. Tillis in NC and Gardner in CO so Kris went looking for Cedric The Entertainer.
Another lesson in why Democrats need to try to win secretary of state elections. A SOS willing to act from pure partisanship can decide an election. It’s amazing after Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004 that there are still Democrats who don’t get this.
I just hope this bombshell to counter a bombshell gets the voters’ attention so Democrats know Taylor dropped out.