Discussion: Kansas' New Dem Governor Squashes Kobach-Touted Tax Relief Bill

If she would just focus the tax increase on the millions and millions of illegal Kansas voters, Kansas would be the richest state in the Union.


Three cheers for Gov. Laura Kelly for standing up to the abject stupidity of her Rethuglican legislature. Kansas has been down that excess tax-cut road ynder former Gov. Brownback and it damn near bankrupted the state, seriously damaged Kansas schools and teachers. and did serious harm to state infrastructure, just as Trumps huge tax cuts for the rich are playing havoc with the National budget.

Gov Kelly is off to a good start!


Top Republicans also that the issue was akin to deciding whether to return a lost wallet full of cash after finding it on the sidewalk with the owner’s ID inside.

“She kept the money — she kept the money for herself,” said House Majority Leader Dan Hawkins, another conservative Wichita Republicans.

Such tripe. How these people can have gone through the Brownback years and know not just that there’s a revenue hole but how deep that hole is, and yet still want to act as though taxes just disappear without being of benefit to the state–what kind of delusion do they persist in living under and still insist on calling themselves public servants?


For God’s sake people the word is QUASH, not “squash.”


Tell that to Gov. Laura “Steamroller” Kelly and the flattened GOP legislators.


Haha they may feel squashed and I do hope so but for the bill itself, which can’t feel anything, I’d like to use and help preserve awareness of the accurate and precise word. Just one of the things I really if quixotically value.


Elections matter, folks.

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You sure about that?



Where’s Thunderclap? He’d back me up on this. :smile:




Gov. Kelly is ready to squash many ungood legislatings.

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Dude, good effort, but that is a racquetball, not a sqaush racquet.
Squash players cannot tolerate their inbred cousins.

I hope Kelly survives this attack. Altering state taxes to alleviate the wonderful new GOP federal tax is ridiculous politics. And I thought NJ (my birthplace) was the armpit of America.

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I hope you don’t read any of Trump’s quotes, transcription of his comments, or tweets. The man can not speak English.


Well, then someone better tell Dunlop!

I shrunk it and cut the handle to make it look like she’s holding it.

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That explains it. The arm and handle are longer on the squash racquet and the head is smaller. Also, traditionalist like myself adhere to wood, but maybe not so much anymore. It has been tough to find squash courts at the YMCA, which converted them to racquetball courts, then converted them to weight rooms. I haven’t played in years.

I used to play a little racquetball when I was at Cal. Never was very good. Always preferred basketball and martial arts.

Body keeps reminding me I should have stuck with the racquet sports.

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Kobach is evil and a carpet bagger. He likes getting racist repressive laws passed in states not his own. We in AZ know him and despise him. He conspired with a local state gov’t member Russell Pierce (repub) and got SB 1070 “your papers please” law passed here. It cost Pierce his job in a recall election in Mesa which is deeply red.

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“Her GOP opponent, former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, made returning the tax “windfall” among his key issues.” Geez, these Tea Partiers really have guzzled the Kook-Aid, haven’t they?

“Today, Laura Kelly showed us how little her words mean,” said Senate President Susan Wagle, a conservative Wichita Republican. “Hardworking Kansans know how to best spend their money and more of it should stay in their own pockets.” And they do that via their state legislators, such as Senate President Susan Wagle.

“She kept the money — she kept the money for herself,” said House Majority Leader Dan Hawkins, another conservative Wichita Republicans. No, unlike President Pornstar, she didn’t keep the money for herself, she kept it for the schools that have been gutted by wingnuttery supply-side trickle-down voodoo economics that will never die as long as gullible people like Dan Hawkings’ constituents keep listening to Rush and watching Fox.