Discussion for article #237631
Expelling her? I don’t know— depends on what they did to others in the past who broke the same rule. But most legislative bodies in the United States have rules prohibiting ad hominem attacks on the floor of other members ignored to keep the dialog on the issues, and those rules are enforced at least to the point that the speaker is but off. Calling people racist and bigots does not change their minds, and as awful as it is, cutting tuition subsidies and the like is a Republican staple that hurts everyone who is poor. It is insensitive, but to say that they would not do it to white immigrants ignore how gleefully Republicans go after all poor people, without regard to race or color or creed.
Besides, it degrades the terms, making them lose their edge. If these guys are racists and bigots, what do you call Dylann Roof or David Duke?
So the committee didn’t like being called a bunch of a$$hole$ by an African-American woman .
Wow. The GOP committee members got their feelings hurt, so they want to expel the lady who called them out? Good grief.
Maybe they would have felt better if she’d called them christian racist
assholes. Seems to be a better fit,
But it’s the liberal word of the day. This foolish woman is about to realize that dropping the “r” word can be not only wrong and stupid, but “words will never hurt you” is actually incorrect. Words can hurt you. This word is almost always incorrect.
Instead of being racists, maybe they just have a lot of " Southern Pride" like Dylann Roof. Actually, the GOP mostly caters to their base of racists, while many are not racist themselves. If Obama was white, they still would hate him. Remember the treatment Bill and Hillary got? No occupant of White House has ever been investigated and vilified as much as the Clintons. It started the day they moved in.
But to say they don’t do it specifically to immigrant people of color because there is a racist streak among their white constituency who are facing economic challenges specifically because of the policies these Republicans implement – that Republicans focus exclusively on these immigrants of color as the most vile, despicable, and racist of distractions from their own record – is to ignore one of the fundamental tenets of Republican electoral strategy.
That’s like saying “if Jeffrey Dahmer was a murderer, what do you call Adolf Hitler?” Philanthropists and misanthropes alike are manifest in widely varying degrees.
“In 2011, Rep. Virgil Peck ® suggested undocumented immigrants should be shot from helicopters like feral pigs, and a 2012 email sent by then House Speaker Mike O’Neal ® to fellow Republicans said they should use a Bible verse with the phrase “Let his days be few and brief” as a prayer for President Obama.”
So one can’t call these statements racist, because it cheapens the term? Or the company that won’t hire blacks? Or my brother in law who thinks blacks are better athletes because of the extra bone in their foor? After all, none of them are as bad as Dylann Roof.
Here’s the quote from the transcripts:
“I have dreaded this day because this is a racist, sexist, fear-mongering bill,” Winn reportedly said, according to a transcript of an audio recording of the hearing. “I would like first to apologize to the progressively minded people of Kansas who are appalled that we are turning back the hands of time…um…regarding to, and I am going to use strong language, Jim Crow tactics, and once again making Kansas a laughingstock.”
She calls the bill racist and sexist. Her complaintants are just thin-skinned assholes. And, of course, racist and sexist fear-mongers.
So Republicans are going to kick a black woman Representative out of the legislature for discussing racism in the statehouse?
Nice optics, guys.
I’m sure Kansas has such a surfeit of black women in the legislature that they can kick them out without losing any diversity of opinion and representation. This won’t look at all like a bunch of white guys bullying blacks and women for expressing ugly truths they don’t want to hear.
And the GOP Minority Outreach Program continues apace.
I guess you’d know from “almost always incorrect.”
What’s the old saying about killing the messenger?
And 2 of the 9 signatories are black. Yep. I guess she could have tossed in a couple comments about “uncle toms” too.
I hope she gets dumped.
It is a fact that if a child is allowed to get away with wrong hurtful or violent behavior they will continue with that behavior. If they are shown that it does not get them rewards approval, or attention they cease to exhibit that behavior.
These little males are getting rewards from somewhere for this nasty behavior…The proof is all the trolls trying to protect them from being called what they are… the cruel and vile behavior is repeated daily across the USA with these abusive laws against the poor, diverse, and vulnerable of the Nation while protecting the wealthy who do not need the protection…
These PC racists. bigots, and sexists must be called out for the behavior they have exhibited all their lives or it will continue to explode into the terrorist actions that took place in Charleston and across the Nation.
It is all our responsibility to speak and hear the truth. Sadly, the woman spoke the truth. They just do not like being exposed.
What’s insulting is for a member of the Kansas GOP to deny the prevalence of pervasive racism in their party ranks.They’d repeal the following in a heartbeat and save Khris Kobach the trouble of his
“Ballot Integrity” scams if they could get away with it:
15th Amendment
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation
I thought republicans was all about freedom. If she didn’t call an individual out as a racist than what is the problem? She has the right to say the bill was racist if she thought it was. Now, if she made a personal vendetta that would be different.
Nick: Do you believe an African-American person can’t be bigoted toward Latinos? That seems to be what you’re arguing.
If you don’t want to be thought of as a bigot, don’t say bigoted things. And whether the comment is deleted is of no consequence because its work is done. You’re aware of your self-earned status. That’s all that matters to me.