Discussion: Kansas GOP Senator Pat Roberts Announces Retirement

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Obviously, state-wide KS office is a long-shot for Team Blue.

But, at least, the race will suck up a lot of KockBros/repugnican $$$ that would’ve gone into CO, AZ & other races.


Another petrified Republican Rectal Cyst bites the dust.


So now he can stop renting a room from his friend? Who will get custody of the recliner?


A long shot, but not the longest shot, given the gov results. Hopefully this could ride the next blue wave in 2020???


Hopefully republicans nominate Kris Kobach to replace him.



We couldn’t be that lucky - could we??
(Oh Please!)


Roberts is a bit of a crazy conservative, but he has never forgotten that he was sent to the Senate by Kansas ranchers and farmers and he has always delivered for them. As far as the rest of Kansas is concerned, he is an elderly white male who believes he and his kind are entitled to rule.


Not really such a long shot. There’s not nearly as much support state-wide for team-red as there was before the Brownback fiasco. That said, we’ll have a LOT better shot as long as Greg Orman (I) stays the hell out of it. Hopefully he learned his lesson after losing both of last two attempts.


Kansas republicans have proven that they are very smart, so there may be a big chance of them stepping on it again.

Be careful what you wish for. Don’t put anything by my neighboring state. Even despite the gubernatorial results.


Kobach would be the last guy the Republicans would nominate for that job. Kansas farmers and ranchers want their senator and while he might live in a barn, Kobach doesn’t have a clue about the wants and needs of ranchers and farmers. They want somebody who deeply understands the need for large and regular subsidy checks to keep Kansas farmers free.


Kobach would screw up the candidacy paperwork.


OK - I’ll buck the trend and say that turning his seat blue isn’t a long shot. Other than some genetic imperative, there is no reason why a pro-agriculture, pro-union manufacturing (specifically aerospace and tech) candidate can’t win. Don’t expect a lefty bomb thrower, but I think flint-eyed Jayhawkers are sick and tired of Trumps’s bullshit and a bonafide Democrat moderate with deep Kansas roots could be appealing. The fact that a Dem won the governorship - regardless how poor the Rep candidate was - should be a serious wake-up call for both parties. It’ll be a lot of work, but it can be done.


Highly possible, and it would make it a real race. :smile:

But I think the more immediate impact will be that Roberts is now free to vote the way he wants. Not that he will join the resistance, but on things like foreign policy and e.g. keeping the government shut for a wall, he may become a thorn (with Lamar Alexander) in trump’s side.


The Witchita Eagle - December 18, 2018


Sen. Dinah Sykes and Rep. Stephanie Clayton, both moderate Johnson County Republicans, said Wednesday they are becoming Democrats. They join Sen. Barbara Bollier, who left the Republican Party earlier in December.

The party switching comes after a nationwide surge of Democratic voters in suburban areas. The surge helped defeat Republican U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, and some state lawmakers are now aligning themselves with this new political reality.


I appreciate the snark in the last line. :scream:

This said, I think you miss the impact of the “Fake Jesus” followers, all hoped up on “Christian Values” (aka Hate). Beating up on brown/black people, and pushing women to the ground so uneducated white men stay on top, is a major “Christian Value” that trumps things like farm subsidies, and is a big part of the republican vote in Kansas. Kobach could win a primary again, he has the lying hate thing down pat.


You might be right, but a lot of those very conservative “Christians” are the very same farmers and ranchers who threw a perfectly good loud mouth conservative out of Congress a few years ago because he didn’t deliver on Ag. It is amazing how pocketbook issues triumph over “Christian” values when push comes to shove.