Discussion: Kansas GOP Senator: 'I Just Don’t Know' If We'll Have Votes To Pass ACA Repeal

The Kabuki theatre doesn’t actually help blue state Republicans. Makes folks angrier and guarantees high Dem turnout/participation rate.

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Not about guts. The Rules of DC MSM Framing mean that only Republicans are allowed to engage in that kind of talk.

Perfectly okay for Republicans to talk about “death panels” and have it treated as a perfectly valid assertion. If Democrats, however, dare talk about this as a death bill, notwithstanding the demonstrable statistical truth of that statement, they will get many pinnochios and pants on fires and much sniggering and tut-tutting. Even today, from the temporarily less obtuse MSM.

The fact that Republican hyperbolic Luntzisms are based on nothing, while those of Democrats are based on math is the problem. Because nothing is real, but math is fake.


Dang that higher math!
52-5=? Oh Gee we don’t have a majority vote.

Ya know, I’d like to see 5 GOP senators get voted off the island in 2018. That would make me very happy indeed.

How does a vote without to votes to pass it kill the ACA? In my world I run on rational logic (which I see is my downfall). If there are 100 senators voting and 45 say “Yes, let’s us kill the ACA” and 55 say “No, let’s not” then as I understand voting the “No” votes have the win. But then again we are in trumplandia where nothing makes any sense anymore so why shouldn’t 45 votes carry the day? And if this is the case why are democrats so upset? I mean they could impeach DJT in a heartbeat since they don’t need 67 votes in the Senate to convict.
I have a headache… I’m gonna go lay down now.

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Jerry just needs a few days for some earnest and very serious chin-stroking, and then he’ll be on board.


The killing in question was of the repeal. Actually read the post to get context.

Very few senators are going to say firmly “I’m voting no” because they’d incur Turtle’s wrath and have to live with it between now and the vote. They’ll say they have “misgivings”, but Collins and Murkowski may do the right thing because of the demographics of their states. For Collins her state has the oldest and whitest population of any state and lots of opioid addiction for which Medicaid comes into play


Do you know for a fact they don’t or do you just trash what is presumably your party because you can? There are patient advocacy groups all over the country stating in no uncertain terms their opposition to this bill. I’m thinking most Democrats are watching the party devour themselves as they plan to destroy their core supporters’ lives.

Hope you can access this link



Your whole post is above for context. Mark me down as confused by that first sentence. I’m not looking for a fight. I’m just not clear on the meaning here. “Thing” is the problem. Does it mean “repeal” or does it mean “Obamacare”…apparently it means repeal. But then there are enough votes to end the repeal at this point in time since 5 GOP senators would vote “no”

Kansas GOP Senator: ‘I Just Don’t Know’ If We’ll Have Votes To Pass ACA Repeal

Moron: I need you, my constituents, to send money… lots of money so we can elect more Republicans so that we can take away your Medicaid, take away your Medicare, eliminate healthcare, gut your Social Security and give tax cuts to my friends, the Koch Brothers. We wanna Make America Great Again for god-fearing people like you. You get sick, you die - just like God intended. And you wanna know the really best part? We’re gonna blame Obama for the mess we’re creatin’. Yup. And you’ll believe it’s all his fault, too. Can I have a hallelujah or a Benghazi? I love you guys, but let’s face it. You’re dumber than dirt and will believe anything you hear on Fox News, so send me some more money, will ya? I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.


I hope I’m wrong that “GOP moderates” is an oxymoron, and you’re correct.

Trump: Senate Bill is meaner. I wouldnt sign it even if they approve it. I want The Meanest bill.

You’re right about the “GOP moderates” label, those people are as dead as the dodo in a party that’s only moved further to the right in the last few decades. But what remains of a conscience among some Rs is on display. And the fear of returning home to East Jesus, Any State.


The only shot you guys got is, FIX ACA! Be done with it! Control costs of premiums and prescriptions, then finally make states pay PENALTIES FOR NOT EXPANDING MEDICAID so more people may qualify for ACA coverage! Case close and review within the next year.

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McConnell wanted that SCOTUS seat as a get-out-the-vote mechanism. He realized that it was all upside for him & his team … Democrats have no history of voting with judges in mind, no matter how much we try to talk it up. Republicans, otoh, have been trained in their churches and on their media to believe that their very souls hang on abortion and gay rights.

Open SCOTUS seat = they WILL show up and they WILL vote for the person with an R after his/her name. Guaranteed.

On Obamacare, the dynamic is different. They’re trapped & Mitch has to know it; best outcome from his perspective is to fail to pass anything, blame the obstructionists, and keep the issue for next time.

Gee, I wonder how long did these senators rehearse their performances since this bill dropped? Cause as someone else said these are truly some oscar worthy performances.

And doing their masters, the Koch brothers dirty work

Oh, buck up Jerry!

I’m sure your Party will find a way to murder the poor and the sick in order to finance a tax break for your masters.

With no conscience or heart, I know you guys have it in you.

Pure BS. These assholes are putting on a show using wiggle words to pretend it’s not a lock. They want people to relax and quit calling their offices, They have a duty to their wealthy GOP sponsors that comes before any responsibility to constituents. They swore an oath that comes before protecting and defending the Constitution. They are fully prepared to sacrifice other peoples lives to uphold it because it keeps them in power.

That KansASShole lies through his teeth. He’ll gladly vote for it this week!

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