Discussion: Kansas Dem Gov. Candidate: Now 500 Top GOPers Backing Me

Discussion for article #228819

Your polltracker is shit. Brownback ain’t 2 points ahead.


Yeah, and now the police and firefighters unions support Davis too, and ads are running with their voices supporting him. I believe Brownback will lose, and badly.


Can I get an editor on that first sentence? A list of top Republicans has increased - what list?


I don’t think Strauss has enough seniority to get someone to look over his work.

I think in the end, Brownback will win. I’ve lived among knuckledraggers for a long time. In the end, they can’t bring themselves to vote in the D column. “Daddy says we are Republicans and that is how I will vote.” – I can’t tell you how often I hear this.

Edit - I really hope I am wrong on this one.

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On today’s episode of “How to Demotivate Your Base”…

He’ll lose until some county official “finds” Brownback votes that were “lost.”

BTW, I don’t know why anyone in their right mind would want to follow Brownback, particularly a Dem. They’re just going to give him the Obama treatment for 4 years: block everything he tries to do and howl the whole time that he’s doing nothing and nothing he’s doing is working. He’ll be out in 4 years and replaced by a GOPer/Teatroll who spews their usual ideological claptrap.

Immigrants. GOP immigrants into the state.

Not really something to brag about. Republicans are idiots. I’d like to write ‘especially in Kansas,’ but let’s face it.

4th paragraph explains that. It was pretty widely reported back in July when they first came out supporting Davis.

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Not so sure. Sebelius was well liked here, and she was a woman as well as a Dem. Kansas people are odd in that respect.


Kansans have a long history of trading parties on the gubernatorial ticket. Remember, Katherine Sebelius was governor of Kansas before going to HHS. In my 40+ years of watching Kansas politics, there have been approx. as many governors of both parties.

The majority of Republicans may be not able to vote for a Democrat, but they also won’t vote for Brownback ever again, as the saying goes “not even for dogcatcher”


Yes, you are wrong on this one. During my lifetime of 50 years, Democrats have occupied the Governors Office at least 50% of the time. Brownback is by far the looniest of the Republicans to ever hold the office, and i think his irrationality and damage to the entire state is all too evident to the voters in both parties to be willing to send him back for another 4 years. Kansas has had some decent Republican governors, and some very good Democratic governors. Brownback easily falls to the bottom of the list in terms of quality from either party. That fact is plainly evident to everyone here in Kansas. The only way he’ll win is by the graces of his sugar daddies, the Kochs. Democracy to the highest bidder.


I guess Brownback pissed off enough people with his Tea Party crap. So long Sammy, see you in Miami!!

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Curious, isn’t it, how desperate Washington Republicans are to save Brownback, but his own in-state Republican party is hemorrhaging voters by the bucketful.

Maybe it is this DC insider core made up of desperate, lying ad men, that makes Brownback anathema to so many of his old supporters, but for some reason, the two sides are completely disconnected.

The same people who stepped in to try to save Brownback AND Roberts are the very sleazebags that Kansas Republicans, especially that “throw all the bums out” faction, despise.

The negative ads aren’t playing well. And every time one of Brownback’s zombies tries trash Davis or Orman with those tasteless lies and exaggerations, another Republican moderate listening nearby climbs down off the fence on the other side.

These attack ads aren’t moving any new voters, they are only appealing the hopelessly brainwashed.

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There certainly is a deep, hostile and abiding prejudice on the part of cult Republicans against Democrats in Kansas, that comes from decades of FOX, Rush (The Lump) and Bleck (say it like a dry-heave.)

But Brownback’s so goofy, especially his weak and twisted rebuttals, and his not-like-Kansas trash ads, he’s losing even some of those haters.

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Oh poor Kevin, why did you have to back this fanatic when he was in the Senate?