GOP motto:
If you can’t win fair and square… CHEAT
Rucker was sanctioned by the Kansas Supreme Court, so he is following in his boss’s footsteps.
Maybe The Republic of Kansas should start growing bananas?
This state is giving fascism a new name.
Here, we call then Kobach Republicans.
Rucker is also one of Kobach’s biggest donors, how he legally managed to give Kobach’s campaign $8000 is both a mystery and a travesty.
The Kansas ethics board is now a ramo di Kobach. They’ll pounce on every and any trivial issue about any Democrat yet turn their blind eyes to Kobach’s perpetual malfeasance.
Strain at a gnat and swallow an elephant.
THIS GUY represented the state in the hearing? Go figure.
Hide the young kids and lock up any farm animals, here’s a close-up photo of Rucker! He’s the one on the left!
Here’s a little more on Kobach’s boy!
Rucker is a giant bag of fermented diarrhea. The man has absolutely zero redeeming qualities, and my opinion of him has nothing to do with him being Kobach’s rimmer.
If a lawsuit is filed, Kobach and his crew have created a wonderfully clear record of corruption.
Dear Lord Kansas your corruption is showing. I thought you salt of the earth types did a better job of covering this kind of thing up?
Well, Thank god that "“An all-Republican state board on Monday rejected a liberal Kansas activist’s challenge to Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s listing as the GOP nominee for governor…”"
If they had not been Republicans, their vote would not count.
Another example of Republican due process:
‘Due’ whatever it takes to win.
“None of my objections were addressed,” Hammet said. “They just ignored every single argument I made.”
Yeah, they do that in Kansas. What else did you expect?
Wow… talk about “gaming the system”. Using every possible rationale to put down any and all dissent? At what point do WE get to point and start calling it “election fraud”?
And why is it a 100% Republican board? Is the state itself 100% Republican? I know they’d like us all to think so, but it really isn’t. This is rule by party, not by the people.
Out with them. Come on Kansas, wake the hell up!