Because there are so many non-citizens in Kansas trying to illegally vote.
Kansas, pure american white bread voters.
No whole wheat or rye bread voters allowed.
Why is Kansas preventing Americans from voting?
Crooked GOP Haters rule Kansas like a dictatorship!
Kansas has become a governmental cesspool. If there is a loony idea that Republicans have peddled they are trying it in Kansas. None of them are working except those that restrict participation in democracy.
As long as they can keep non Republicans from civic engagement the cesspool will continue to get larger and more disgusting.
Wow - if they pull this off, it could throw the state to Trump!
So…the assumption IS that there are a bunch of illegals trying to sign up to vote. Kansas should block them because of this assumption with no evidence to the contrary. Got it.
Easy to spot… brown skin with no confederate flag tattoos on their chest.
Actually, Kansas is the eye of the storm for restricting voting by legal manipulation. In the past, those methods included literacy tests and grandfather clauses. Today, the favored method is “proof of citizenship.”
The key players are headquartered in Kansas: Kobach and the Koch Brothers.
Sec. of State Kris Kobach authored the GOP’s dual legal strategies, to restrict immigration and to disenfranchise as many Democratic voters as possible. He had authored Arizona’s discriminatory SB1070 law that essentially made racially profiling Latinos legal, under the guise that it was guarding against undocumented immigrants. (Most provisions of that law were struck down.)
Kobach recently got Sam Brownback’s Tea Party-packed legislature to grant him prosecutorial authority to investigate voter fraud. (That witch hunt has led nowhere, with fewer than a handful of proven fraud cases.)
It has been said that Kobach sees fraud whenever a Democrat’s vote gets counted.
The other players in Kansas are the Koch Brothers, whose Koch Industries is headquartered in northwest Wichita. The wealth generated by their energy-related businesses funds their network of PACs and conservative think tanks.
The irony, of course, is that Kansas has never been crucial. It is the very opposite of a swing state. Only once in 80 years has a Democrat even carried the state in a presidential election: LBJ’s 1964 landslide was the last time.
But as with Brown v. Board, Kansas can create wake turbulence that affects the rest of the nation.
Most of these laws are aimed at some specific group, usually minorities, but this seems to be boneheaded across the board. I am trying to figure out how this punishes Democrats more than Republicans. Any ideas?
And may God have mercy on your soul if you’re brown bread or pumpernickel…
Good background! I believe this is also happening at a time when the Brownback wing of the Kansas GOP is finally beginning to buckle under the combined weight of the fiscal and economic catastrophe brought on by his policies. (At least, that’s how I’d interpret recent local election results.) Godspeed to the whole unsavory crew as they rush off a political cliff!
No, they ARE working, exactly as intended: extract as much money from the folks who aren’t “good Amuricans” (WASPs in the upper 10%) as possible and give it to the “good Amuricans”. After all, the rent-seekers (folks who benefit from policies that transfer resources from most of the citizenry to the elite few without said elite actually working or providing anything of value to the fleeced) can just put up a picture of Hillary wearing a hijab and the fleeced will beg for more immiseration.
Repukes, can’t win without cheating!
Skin color + cowboy boots/rodeo belt buckle + age.
The way Kansas is being governed, it’s not going to be enough depriving minorities and immigrants the right to vote. They’re going to have to figure out how to keep sane Republicans from the polls as well.
Kansassistan: We’re keeping elections safe for White, conservative candidates.
I’ve got an idea for a “compromise”: Yes, Kansas gets to demand proof of citizenship. In return, to prevent this from becoming a poll tax, Kansas agrees to cover the expense of (re-)acquiring every document required for that proof of citizenship. Including but not limited to: costs of expedited processing and shipping of certified copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decrees etc, travel costs in case a personal appearance is needed, legal costs in case a lawyer’s help is appropriate. All funds to be disbursed in the form of prospective payment guarantees, not requiring lengthy paperwork to be filled out later for reimbursement.
Said cost to come out of the current budget of the secretary of state’s office.
Some of the people the ACLU represents said they later got postcards notifying them that they had to provide proof of citizenship
Classy…take their registration information, but don’t tell them the docs they have to supply to register and prove citizenship and then send them a postcard after they have left the office saying they didn’t comply. How many don’t go back?
And you can be sure that Mr. Kobach will shortly be telling DMV offices in Kansas to stop wasting postage and time sending out postcards.
Would prefer to take it out of the Secretary of State’s salary.