Discussion for article #231978
JUSt WHAt aMERIca NEEDs. ANOTHEr BLAck SENATOR!11!1one!!1!!!
TeH nEW blACkzoMExiCaNo LaRaZzzA meCHa ACoRN PanTHerS wILL cArRy ReAdY4KaMaLa to ViCtoRY, Eustace!!
Smart woman.
Good candidate.
And there is not a single potential Republican candidate with the same appeal to California voters.
Good for her, and a great candidate. Issa had an insulting comment the other day about Sen. Boxer, but I suspect things are getting uncomfortable in Issa-land/Orange County since the news broke that several city leaders in Pasadena cannot explain a lot of missing tax dollars for the last decade. Great friends there, Darrell.
What does Pasadena have to do with Issa or Orange County though? It’s pretty far away from both, being on the N/NE side of LA (Issa’s district is down near Oceanside/Escondido)…and the city is represented by two Democrats in Congress.
“There’s been a vacancy for two decades,” Issa said outside a men’s room near the House floor. “The fact that she’s not running doesn’t change the fact it’s always been a vacant office.”
Issa is a real class act.
I am so happy to live in California (Southern for sure)
Hes a fucking asshole.
And Obama was right, she’s the best looking AG in the country. I’m really excited for her candidacy. It’s a damn shame that there aren’t any women of color in the Senate.
Seriously? What a piece of shit. Just because you disagree with her ideologically doesn’t mean you need to trash her whole Senate career.
Issa can’t do anything else—if he doesn’t trash his opponents, his life has no meaning.