Discussion: Kaine Rips Pence's Putin Praise: Dictatorship Isn't Leadership

Just checking in after dinner and bike ride with the kids. I hope this came off well in the debate. Sure sounds like a grade A zinger.

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Pence’s desperate attempt at deflection sounded… well… desperate.


Apparently I’ve been asleep for a year and dreamed everything Drumpf said.


Because of Kaine interrupting so often in the first part of the debate I don’t think he is going to come out on top for a lot of people watching. Pence lies so easily and convincingly. The average person watching this debate, who is not a political junkie, will believe Pence. Kaine did better in the second part of the debate but it still was not enough to counter Pence’s constant lying.

Chiselin’ Trump, June 16th, 2016: "“Frankly, Putin has built up their military again and again and again. Their military is much stronger. He’s doing nuclear, we’re not doing anything. Our nuclear is old and tired and his nuclear is tippy-top from what I hear. Better be careful, folks, okay? You better be careful.”

Mike Pence, 2016 VP Debate: “This whole Putin thing, look, America is stronger than Russia. Our economy is 16 times larger than the Russian economy. Our political system is superior to the corrupt capital system in Russia it every way.”

Can Trump and Pence agree on anything?


The junkies are at it and it appears … finding LOTS wrong with the Pence approach — Their main point seems to be that he only talked to the republican base — Never really tried to expand to any other faction that would be needed to make up for them being behind —

At this stage of the game… their consensus was… that is the biggest mistake of the night —


While Pence attended his 2020 presidential debate, those guys no presidential ambitious GOPer can ignore reacted.


…I was so shocked that liberal wussiness was dispensed with I had to do a double take.


Whatever, however you see the momentum going, there is no denying that Pence is on defense-talking Russia and Trump and never getting around to what it is exactly that Trump is for. You know-his plan, the plan thingie that they never mention and don’t have.

Kaine had him on defense constantly. If Pence plays good defense-it matters not because, he’s on defense.


And here is this. Nazi-frogs and Russia hawks are fighting.

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Expect a tweet-strom from small Putin, he is sensitive about that…

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"If you don’t know the difference between dictatorship and leadership, you’ve got to go back to a fifth grade civics course.”

Well done Tim!

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I think pence is auditioning for 2020!

He knows he is going down with the orange Hindenburg!

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